Message from @Blizz
Discord ID: 790019758564311080
such a fucking good clip, God bless Frannsen. he gives me hope for my generation lol
Franssen is the fearless cowboy
he’s good at interpersonal / interpersonal relationship advice
Franssen probably has the best optics too
very insightful father figure
Always gives helpful and great advice
I have a lot of respect for that dude good guy
Yea same here
there is literally nothing wrong with killing these evil commies.
i thought scott was orthodox
Oh maybe
Idk I heard somewhere he was a pagan
i dont think thats true
If he's Orthodox ill probably start watching Highly respected again then
scott greer is pagan?
no way lol
I thought so maybe not tho
no way nick would associate with a pagan
That's a literal profession here in Colombia
He’s pro-Christian?
yeah exactly
if i listen to the HR with classical theist it should be obvious what he is
i also think pat casey & lloyd > franssen i dont watch alot of steves stuff tbh
Tbh I’ve never really listened to Scott much, I heard him during the election stream and he talked way too much and annoyed me lol
I dont watch Jake loyd very much
Patrick Casey is great tho
Never trust a pagan
I watch Nick and Steve that’s about it..
nick, steve, and vincent
I watch Nick, Steve, and Patrick
Vincent is AMAZIN
Nick>Franssen>Vincent>Patrick>Jaden/Jake Lloyd
Mine is similar although I like Patrick a little more than Vince
I love this clip
I love how that used it to try and make him look bad but it just made him look more based