Message from @FevdalLord
Discord ID: 790020623564144651
no way nick would associate with a pagan
That's a literal profession here in Colombia
it used to be a pastime here in America until they took over
He’s pro-Christian?
yeah exactly
if i listen to the HR with classical theist it should be obvious what he is
i also think pat casey & lloyd > franssen i dont watch alot of steves stuff tbh
Tbh I’ve never really listened to Scott much, I heard him during the election stream and he talked way too much and annoyed me lol
I dont watch Jake loyd very much
Patrick Casey is great tho
Never trust a pagan
I watch Nick and Steve that’s about it..
nick, steve, and vincent
I watch Nick, Steve, and Patrick
Vincent is AMAZIN
Nick>Franssen>Vincent>Patrick>Jaden/Jake Lloyd
I love this clip
I love how that used it to try and make him look bad but it just made him look more based
such excellent music in the background. peak optics rn
nixon tapes moment
Oh yea Franssen has the best optics by far
I went to a John Birch Society meeting two days ago for my areas local chapter, and the opening line for the presentation was, “America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and anyone who tells you otherwise is a historical revisionist”
worrying about optics at this point is useless
Well we still need optics rn
wish I was kidding, I was internally raging
kept my cool
We can be less optical as the overton window shifts tho
thank Jesus Christ for AF
Or this would be my politics is John Birch Society lolbert shit
why? did you watch the franssen clip above>
Well as of rn Nick says we still need optics
I'll just do whatever he says
fuck optics