Message from @Lloyd Owen

Discord ID: 787116219018903562

2020-12-11 23:43:25 UTC  

The federalist papers were in essence the cliff notes of the constitution. Written by our founding fathers to offer insight and their vision in deciding to frame our constitution as they did...just in case anyone didn’t know about that.

2020-12-11 23:43:42 UTC  

Trump's not afraid.
I'm sure he would be prepared. People in real estate are always ready for anything

2020-12-11 23:46:26 UTC  

“... a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union” HAMILTON CALLED BIDEN A CREATURE YALL! LMAO right now! 😂🤣😂

2020-12-11 23:50:28 UTC  

People who attack Trump head on lose, those who sneak up from behind, like Barr, Sessions, Lindsey Graham and McConnell are the ones who know his Achilles Heal

2020-12-11 23:54:43 UTC  

January 5th election so crucial for Georgia we have at least 1 of those seats. If we lose both the dems will have Supreme power. So scary

2020-12-11 23:55:06 UTC  

We have to win one of the two I meant

2020-12-11 23:58:33 UTC  

I think the lady is a shoe in-- in her debate, the opponent was far from being a Southern Gentleman, to dumb to grasp the culture he lives in. -- apparently thinks all the voters live in the ghettos

2020-12-12 00:06:01 UTC  

We really need both seats if Harris becomes VP. She would have tie breaker vote power in the senate. Plus we have more than one RINOS that can’t always be trusted to vote on the right side of the isle...we realllllly need both of those seats!

2020-12-12 00:08:25 UTC  

With a few extra Senate seats the RINOs would lose their bite

2020-12-12 00:08:39 UTC  

Have you seen any of his “sermons”? I can honestly compare his “sermons” to MI rep Cynthia A. Johnston and her second FB video threatening trump supporters in which she calls on the soldiers of “Christ” to rise up. May God have mercy on their souls for I have to assume they know not what they do when they do their evil deeds in our beloved saviors name...

2020-12-12 00:10:48 UTC  

Afraid that ship has sailed...we need those two seats just to hold a true, functional majority and that’s if we are only assuming one, no more than two rinos would go against us. IF Biden and harris get in even with those two seats we could be outvoted thanks to rinos 😞

2020-12-12 00:13:36 UTC  

We need 5 or 6 surplus. Wish some moderate Dems would switch parties and avoid what became of many of their ilk last month

2020-12-12 00:16:27 UTC  

Trump will achieve so much in the next two years that Congress will finish flipping in 2022

2020-12-12 00:17:43 UTC  


2020-12-12 00:31:49 UTC  

I wonder if God has decided it's time we had a civil war -- that's one way to decrease the number of brain dead voters. Hope not. The war of 1860 was not a civil war, it was a war between two separate countries

2020-12-12 00:31:52 UTC  

“There are many voices today who fail to understand the purpose and virtues of the Electoral College. Efforts have been made by political factions to circumvent its operation without going to the trouble of amending the Constitution in accordance with the procedures set out in Article V. Those who would undermine the Electoral College certainly would see no significance in what they would view as a “technical” requirement, that the Manner of those elections be vested exclusively in the state legislature. What is special about a state legislature?
The Framers had long experience with legislative bodies during the colonial period. They knew the strengths of such bodies and their weaknesses. They knew that state legislatures can be frustrating in causing delay and even gridlock, but they knew that state legislatures conducted open debate with the transparency that deliberation requires. State legislators would likely include persons from all walks of life — farmers, merchants, persons with military background, physicians, and even lawyers. They would come from rural portions of each state and more densely populated areas. They would be of different ages and different temperaments. They would likely be drawn from different religious backgrounds. And they would regularly stand for election within a House or Senate district sufficiently small that the person would be reasonably well known and respected by the electorate. When this mix of persons who exhibited leadership skills would assemble, the result would likely reflect the will of the people. Such a deliberative body could only rarely be captured by narrow factional interests, and if it were to occur, likely would not last long.” More PURE gold from the same brief. Taking me forever to finish it...dinner, baths and bedtime prep here, lol.

2020-12-12 00:33:30 UTC  

Funny enough there are a few of those. And there are also independent/third parties who occasionally vote with us too. We still definitely need those two seats tho!

2020-12-12 00:34:31 UTC  

How did you edit this? I’ve been looking for a way to edit. I hate typos and incorrect spell check corrections lol

2020-12-12 00:36:44 UTC  

I laid my finger against the text, as if to reply, and one of the options was "edit"

2020-12-12 00:38:10 UTC  

Awesome! Just tried it and it worked. TY!

2020-12-12 00:38:50 UTC  

You're an awesome scholar

2020-12-12 00:42:41 UTC  

Does anyone remember that scene in Shawshank Redemption where he writes to the state to get funds for a new library?

2020-12-12 00:43:10 UTC  


2020-12-12 00:43:14 UTC  

Vaguely...been a while since I watched that one.

2020-12-12 00:43:44 UTC  

Well that is me right now PERSISTENTLY contacting youtube reps to get this appeal my way

2020-12-12 00:45:59 UTC  

Hang in there. Shawshank was interesting and a bit pleasant in a wierd way, but I can't imagine a prisoner who worked for the warden suffering abuse from other prisoners

2020-12-12 00:48:19 UTC  

Some Congress members seem to be hot on this topic, maybe one of them could weigh in

2020-12-12 00:50:21 UTC  

Get em!

2020-12-12 00:55:25 UTC  

You have such a blatant case, maybe Tucket or Greg Kelly might enjoy beating YT over the head with it. -- and get you some publicity

2020-12-12 01:04:21 UTC  


2020-12-12 01:33:38 UTC  

“Thus, the citizens of each of the original 13 colonies (including Pennsylvania and Georgia) were willing only to have their President elected by an electoral college chosen by procedures developed by state legislatures and rejected all other available options. The Framers did not entrust this responsibility to governors, secretaries of state, judges, election officials, or anyone else — and neither should Texas, and neither can this Court. Thereafter, each state that came into the Union on an “equal footing” (such as Michigan and Wisconsin) accepted the constitutional process by which Presidential Electors would be selected in every state. See Coyle v. Smith, 221 U.S. 559 (1911).” (Same brief page 9 section D) 🥰🥰🥰 This case is strong and well supported by both many present day states, individuals and organizations but better than that it has the support of our founding fathers. I simply cannot imagine a reason this case would not be fully heard by SCOTUS nor can I imagine a reason SCOTUS would not rule in favor of Texas! Of course...this is 2020 so all bets off but legally and constitutionally this should win...God willing and the creek don’t rise! Lol

2020-12-12 01:35:45 UTC  

<:tophat:786404255942705224> <:boom:786404419712712724> 💣

2020-12-12 01:40:53 UTC  

This is a little more than interesting, don't you think? an extension to what got TMC in so much crap on YT, seems calmer now, but far more threatening, the bitch is weird, but seems to be making threats in another direction ........ Thoughts ?????

2020-12-12 01:42:05 UTC  

Really want to shake the hand(s) of these author(s) one just gets better! 🧐. -“What happens in Las Vegas may stay in Las Vegas. But what happens in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin can affect the people of Texas and all other states. This is not a small matter. A corruption in the process in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin could lead to the election of a person for President who was not elected in accordance with constitutionally-prescribed rules. It would be difficult to envision a more divisive act than to have violated these rules.” (Same brief page 10, Section E, paragraph 1)

2020-12-12 01:43:42 UTC  

I KNEW that woman sounded drunk on more than one occasion 😂🤣😂 You are 100% right, SHE IS NUTS!

2020-12-12 01:45:20 UTC  

''Biden & Harris you owe the State of Michigan, the City of Detroit, and me'' FOR WHAT ???

2020-12-12 01:47:20 UTC  

You've certainly been busy today, thanks for picking the 'bones' outta this for us

2020-12-12 01:50:16 UTC  

If Trump's selections for the supreme court continue to appear as worthless as most of his previous selections, we'd better prepare for chaos

2020-12-12 01:50:25 UTC  

Exactly what I was thinking! Things that make you go hmmmmmm 🤨🧐🤔

2020-12-12 01:51:31 UTC  

almost an admission of wrong doing, ''I put my life on the line for you..!!''