Message from @koolguy18000

Discord ID: 788116273786650645

2020-12-14 18:30:36 UTC  

Cool. Posted it anyways under the Links tab for anyone who wants to pour over it. Good luck!

2020-12-14 18:31:36 UTC  

Will skim it now but then I’m going back to my comfort zone...lawsuits and hopefully soon injunction lol

2020-12-14 18:33:35 UTC  

Stopped at (7.) on page 2 lol. All I needed to know lol.

2020-12-14 18:35:31 UTC  

Hey all πŸ™ Blessings patriots

2020-12-14 18:35:56 UTC  

Exactement. Not certifiable

2020-12-14 18:36:20 UTC  

Hey Snaggletooth - how"s u?

2020-12-14 18:36:44 UTC  

Great info above @Free2Think has helped me get up to speed on what's happening

2020-12-14 18:37:23 UTC  

Hi Clare, I'm good thanks. How are you? Recovered from your hangover? 😁

2020-12-14 18:37:31 UTC  


2020-12-14 18:37:31 UTC  

Yep, me too. was knee deep in legalised paper-pushing today so playing catch up now

2020-12-14 18:37:50 UTC  

Hey Lloyd πŸ™πŸ‘

2020-12-14 18:38:26 UTC  

Ohh stop it. I had a mild hangover. God my reputation is shot now lol

2020-12-14 18:38:42 UTC  

Haha we've all been there

2020-12-14 18:42:56 UTC  

I've heard Japanese businessmen get together and drink up a storm so they can get to trust each other. -- dont trust anyone who won't drink and talk

2020-12-14 18:43:56 UTC  

Yeah they do, who doesn't like a drink every now and then 🍻🍺😁

2020-12-14 18:45:06 UTC  

Now Lloyd, I was counting on you to preserve my good name there lol. It was a storm in a teacup (lady-like) πŸ«–

2020-12-14 18:45:34 UTC  

when do your pubs re-open?

2020-12-14 18:45:56 UTC  

You're one of our precious guiding lights

2020-12-14 18:47:06 UTC  

God Bless you. (God looks the other way when I let my hair down a little, now and again) lol

2020-12-14 18:50:54 UTC  

I don't know when the pubs reopen, I think some are If you have a substantial meal but alot are closed still.

2020-12-14 18:52:42 UTC  

Yes <@787438937886294067>

2020-12-14 18:53:56 UTC  

Load of bloody nonsense isn't it. Destroying the pub culture of Britain especially. Disgraceful.

2020-12-14 18:55:48 UTC  

Indeed. Admit I kept reading tho, pages 5&6 started talking my language. How great is it that Obama’s EOs on election security is also being used against them. Almost as good as ACB being confirmed despite the staged democrat sit out that day thanks to the Shummer rule changes from a few years prior. If I’m not mistaken, both occurred in 2013. Seven years and both used against them. It’s glorious!

2020-12-14 18:57:15 UTC  

AMEN. πŸ™πŸ™

2020-12-14 18:57:45 UTC  

Have a feeling he and many others will be eating Christmas dinner federal penn style!

2020-12-14 18:58:33 UTC  

Water. After every drink, drink water. Best hangover cure is the prevention measure lol

2020-12-14 18:58:54 UTC  

They've been free range for too long

2020-12-14 18:59:32 UTC  

You are very welcome. Always glad to share good news! After the SCOTUS blow last week we were all in need of some!

2020-12-14 19:00:33 UTC  
2020-12-14 19:01:32 UTC  

Right. And even drinking water during the late night improves the next day

2020-12-14 19:04:20 UTC  

Right guys - that's the last time I share my little peccadillos - can you imagine what JP would make of this??? Not worth imagining. (I agree - lots of hydration before, during and after lol)

2020-12-14 19:05:53 UTC  

Oh dear God - the UK has identified a 'new variant' of extremely virulent China Virus in the SW of the country. God spare us from this tyranny!

2020-12-14 19:09:28 UTC  

21? I’ve hear rumors that they would β€œfind” a 21

2020-12-14 19:10:26 UTC  

πŸ™ @Clare P good will prevail over Evil

2020-12-14 19:11:39 UTC  

Isn't it just pure and utter nonsense - part of the great 'Reset" - I for one ain't falling for it. No muzzles, no social distancing, no bubbles, no vaccines. Carrying on with the wee life that God gave me

2020-12-14 19:13:08 UTC  

It is all for control and destruction of independent businesses and peoples ability to socialise. They closed down our small community football club bar last week saying he was serving people without a meal which he wasn't and its devastating

2020-12-14 19:13:29 UTC  

to the commujity

2020-12-14 19:13:36 UTC  


2020-12-14 19:15:49 UTC  

Correct - pure and utter control measures. Give them an inch and they take a mile! I'm going to make this c**p work for me - staying at home, working away, saving a fortune, enjoying breathing God's fresh air and relying on my immune system to maintain good health. Most importantly - retaining independant thought by NOT listening to this nonsense

2020-12-14 19:17:04 UTC  

Yes I am doing exactly the same. No mask here!

2020-12-14 19:22:26 UTC  
