Message from @Free2Think

Discord ID: 788109520613408818

2020-12-14 17:54:04 UTC  

Yes @Free2Think God is very angry, i wouldn't mess with God when he is angry

2020-12-14 17:57:01 UTC  

Are you Ashley too?

2020-12-14 17:57:16 UTC  

Appears Jayden got Polked. Thaanks

2020-12-14 18:00:11 UTC  
2020-12-14 18:07:32 UTC  

2020-12-14 18:08:36 UTC  

Can’t get link to actual report to work tho. Bring up beta cloud page that’s blank??? Let me know if anyone has better luck than me getting the actual forensic report to come up. Going to try it on GIBIRU real quick

2020-12-14 18:11:58 UTC  

Doesn’t matter. Those votes won’t be opened until Jan 6 for true certification by congress and 2. Will never be opened if and when fraud is 100% proven and we are all optimistic that will happen very soon. Plus any one of the four SCOTUS cases could result in an injunction this week

2020-12-14 18:13:21 UTC  

A site called Cubbies Edits has a video up says that Ruby Freeman sent an Instagram bragging about she and her daughter helping to steal the election

2020-12-14 18:14:32 UTC  

Yes @Free2Think <@749630289214701568>

2020-12-14 18:15:47 UTC  

TMC told us to use the links channel to the left to post links. Try there

2020-12-14 18:16:57 UTC  

Whew, GIBIRU working. Got actual forensic report there. Posting first page of it on <#759440636545597451>. If anyone has trouble pulling it up, download GIBIRU and copy paste Washington examiner article link in search bar. Click on article title and go down to link for actual report (look for the underlined texts that states “released shortly afterward”

2020-12-14 18:18:15 UTC  

All I’ve heard so far is Russia but I’ve honestly been busier chasing court tails this morning. Read something about it briefly this morning and they blamed Russia. Was an AP source for that tho so take it with a grain of salt.

2020-12-14 18:19:15 UTC  

@Free2Think i don't think it's Russia

2020-12-14 18:19:51 UTC  

I can see the whole report no problem. Want me to take screenshots and post in Memes?

2020-12-14 18:21:07 UTC  

I don’t either. Don’t think Russia brought down google this morn either. Could have been google itself but since we haven’t heard them say that either I’m becoming increasingly doubtful of that as well. Longer they don’t provide an explanation, the more I think it may have been our own DoD hard at work...Kraken style!

2020-12-14 18:21:30 UTC  

Posting #meme of a DoD cyber security team patch y’all may like hehehe

2020-12-14 18:23:15 UTC  

Just posted the report in under links. Let me know if that helps

2020-12-14 18:23:49 UTC  

Maybe YT was down to make some changes to their systems

2020-12-14 18:23:56 UTC  

Didn’t know there was a hashtag link bad. Will post there from now on!

2020-12-14 18:25:52 UTC  

Wasn’t just YT. Was Gmail, YT and google drive. And they normally release statement if it is on their end. That and the error codes I got this morn weren’t the same as the ones I’ve gotten during other outages recently. Have no clue what that means but def noticed different error codes via google. Definitely could have been them wiping something somewhere or disconnecting something somewhere and they aren’t owning it for 5th amendment type reasons tho, who th knows at this point.

2020-12-14 18:26:53 UTC  


2020-12-14 18:29:13 UTC  

I got to it through GIBIRU. I’ll skim it but I’m the court doc girl, def NOT the cyber tech doc girl lol. I can navigate what I need to navigate but I’m secretly a bit of a tech-tard if I’m being honest lol. If it gets too technical my eyes will cross and my ears will steam 😂 NOT kidding!

2020-12-14 18:30:36 UTC  

Cool. Posted it anyways under the Links tab for anyone who wants to pour over it. Good luck!

2020-12-14 18:31:36 UTC  

Will skim it now but then I’m going back to my comfort zone...lawsuits and hopefully soon injunction lol

2020-12-14 18:33:35 UTC  

Stopped at (7.) on page 2 lol. All I needed to know lol.

2020-12-14 18:35:31 UTC  

Hey all 🙏 Blessings patriots

2020-12-14 18:35:56 UTC  

Exactement. Not certifiable

2020-12-14 18:36:20 UTC  

Hey Snaggletooth - how"s u?

2020-12-14 18:36:44 UTC  

Great info above @Free2Think has helped me get up to speed on what's happening

2020-12-14 18:37:23 UTC  

Hi Clare, I'm good thanks. How are you? Recovered from your hangover? 😁

2020-12-14 18:37:31 UTC  


2020-12-14 18:37:31 UTC  

Yep, me too. was knee deep in legalised paper-pushing today so playing catch up now

2020-12-14 18:37:50 UTC  

Hey Lloyd 🙏👍

2020-12-14 18:38:26 UTC  

Ohh stop it. I had a mild hangover. God my reputation is shot now lol

2020-12-14 18:38:42 UTC  

Haha we've all been there

2020-12-14 18:42:56 UTC  

I've heard Japanese businessmen get together and drink up a storm so they can get to trust each other. -- dont trust anyone who won't drink and talk

2020-12-14 18:43:56 UTC  

Yeah they do, who doesn't like a drink every now and then 🍻🍺😁

2020-12-14 18:45:06 UTC  

Now Lloyd, I was counting on you to preserve my good name there lol. It was a storm in a teacup (lady-like) 🫖

2020-12-14 18:45:34 UTC  

when do your pubs re-open?

2020-12-14 18:45:56 UTC  

You're one of our precious guiding lights