Message from @dee
Discord ID: 512027988490059780
Not too slow
i have so many karen /brit/pol pictures
still 102 days old thread
not a single one on this device
upload them on mega and send them to me
tfw no wife or waifu
or anonfiles
What do I do
get one
Why do you keep posting that
Jesus Christ
Stop LARPing as a normie romanian Facebook user
britpol was the best man
do you just keep these saved?
first time posting that actually
I only have a few
~~a fucking leaf~~ yes capt'n
fuck newbrit
the move to 8ch was good but christ they take the piss
What, you expect quality from a spinoff of a Japanese site that is a spinoff of a Japanese site?
Also that
Why is it not in fucking hiragana
Fucking EOPs
>he doesn't know
That's my third name
But I don't tell that to many people
I read that
I know, I meant to edit it to weeb heater
You drunken' freetard