Message from @NiceBear

Discord ID: 546790288119562261

2019-02-17 20:25:01 UTC  

Also mak8ng coffee is a nice thing to do in the morning

2019-02-17 20:25:06 UTC  

some NERD wanted beer without sugar today

2019-02-17 20:25:11 UTC  

fucking hipsters

2019-02-17 20:25:18 UTC  

morning rituals are good

2019-02-17 20:25:27 UTC  

Grind the beans while the pan preheats and water boils

2019-02-17 20:25:57 UTC  

You're in luck, <:boomer:480046032546168863> only contains artificial sweeteners

2019-02-17 20:26:08 UTC  

how seriously do you guys take shaving?

2019-02-17 20:26:14 UTC  

any of you have a ritual and a set?

2019-02-17 20:26:22 UTC  

No, thats dumb

2019-02-17 20:26:28 UTC  

like multiple brushes, a cut throat etc

2019-02-17 20:26:49 UTC  

Bear, do you brush your teeth at least once daily

2019-02-17 20:27:00 UTC  

not in years

2019-02-17 20:27:12 UTC  

I'm all electric

2019-02-17 20:27:20 UTC  


2019-02-17 20:27:30 UTC  

rotations dont count as brush

2019-02-17 20:27:39 UTC  

I used to use a shavette but i lost it so I am still going through the 200 bulk pack of cartriages

2019-02-17 20:28:16 UTC  

Shavettes: for when you can't afford a proper straight razor

2019-02-17 20:28:33 UTC  

Or cant be bothered to maintain one

2019-02-17 20:28:53 UTC  

maybe its about time i buy a new extremely overpriced electric brush

2019-02-17 20:29:16 UTC  

Maybe it's about time you hang yourself

2019-02-17 20:29:23 UTC  

bit rude

2019-02-17 20:29:32 UTC  

Poor matt is being combative again

2019-02-17 20:29:47 UTC  

Did tge store run out of nyquil for you to abuse?

2019-02-17 20:29:48 UTC  

...a warm towel for your face!

2019-02-17 20:30:04 UTC  

Nah I stocked up

2019-02-17 20:30:12 UTC  

oh, a shavette is a cut throat

2019-02-17 20:30:16 UTC  

thats what my friend uses

2019-02-17 20:31:17 UTC  

anyone know a good one

2019-02-17 20:31:23 UTC  

think i'll buy one as a gift

2019-02-17 20:31:28 UTC  

its way too much work to maintain a proper one

2019-02-17 20:31:36 UTC  

I got mine off ali for $2

2019-02-17 20:31:47 UTC  

yeah but im not as poor as you

2019-02-17 20:31:48 UTC  

It rusted immediately and I threw it away

2019-02-17 20:32:04 UTC  

Bitch this is the chinkshit community

2019-02-17 20:32:13 UTC  

We're all either poor or miserly here

2019-02-17 20:32:22 UTC  

doesn't mean im not always looking for a good bargain 👀

2019-02-17 20:32:34 UTC  


2019-02-17 20:32:53 UTC  

dress brittish think yiddish

2019-02-17 20:33:23 UTC  

Name shavette sounds gay so I wouldn't use it

2019-02-17 20:38:39 UTC  

Name Millwood sounds gay

2019-02-17 20:39:46 UTC  

both true statements of fact