Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 551624147218858014

2019-03-03 02:50:38 UTC  

Poor tsundere John.

2019-03-03 02:59:17 UTC  

So was it a guy or not

2019-03-03 03:04:57 UTC  

No, you dumbass

2019-03-03 03:10:16 UTC  

I always found it odd how people consider elves not furry

2019-03-03 03:10:50 UTC  


2019-03-03 03:13:52 UTC  

Damn, was I that transparent?

2019-03-03 03:17:57 UTC  

Elves are non-human humanoids, but they aren't furry. Furry implies four+ legged non-sapient animal origins. It'd be like calling the Xenomorph furry

2019-03-03 03:29:03 UTC  

It kind of is

2019-03-03 03:29:04 UTC  

See, that was your cue to call the xenomorph furry.

2019-03-03 03:29:07 UTC  


2019-03-03 03:29:29 UTC  

Okay, so what is it then, fucktard?

2019-03-03 03:29:38 UTC  

It's Xeno.

2019-03-03 03:30:21 UTC  

It's a different subcategory of non-human humanoid.

2019-03-03 03:32:41 UTC  

It's okay, John. This isn't your specialty.

2019-03-03 03:36:51 UTC  


2019-03-03 03:37:25 UTC  

Of course I'm not the one with the serial killery organization if his smut

2019-03-03 03:39:46 UTC  

It's true.

2019-03-03 03:40:02 UTC  

Haven't had a chance to organize more of it in months.

2019-03-03 03:42:10 UTC  

Gf and I work the same hours now so I don't really get the chance to tag and organize porn pictures anymore.

2019-03-03 03:42:44 UTC  

Might just be time to upload it somewhere and be done with it

2019-03-03 04:37:25 UTC  

New H3H3 video made me feel fucking SICK

2019-03-03 04:39:37 UTC  
2019-03-03 04:40:17 UTC  

>watching h3h3

2019-03-03 04:42:59 UTC  

Hey @everyone

2019-03-03 04:43:04 UTC  

John doesn't like something

2019-03-03 04:43:09 UTC  

Stop the presses

2019-03-03 04:43:26 UTC  

How about you fucking get better taste

2019-03-03 04:44:24 UTC  

We can't ALL watch 80 year old women can peaches, John

2019-03-03 04:45:26 UTC  

she has terminal cancer now and stopped vids so no one does anymore.

2019-03-03 04:45:31 UTC  


2019-03-03 04:55:41 UTC  

Well that sucks. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to be such a downer on everything.

2019-03-03 05:02:06 UTC  

Only losers get cancer, she should have died in the restoration of an industrial pressure canner

2019-03-03 05:09:47 UTC  

t. Has been getting sick very often lately

2019-03-03 05:10:07 UTC  

Doctor said it was stress, from what I dunno

2019-03-03 05:11:15 UTC  

It's me, John. The psychological weight of your O B S E S S I O N with shitting on everything I enjoy is taking a toll on your health.

2019-03-03 05:13:22 UTC  

Peobably not that

2019-03-03 05:13:49 UTC  

Tho I'm glad you think something as effortless as refuting your garbage opinions is somehow taxing on me

2019-03-03 05:14:05 UTC  


2019-03-03 05:15:46 UTC  

Likely a doctor's boiler plate explaination for why someone might be feeling unwell and he cant find a cause.

2019-03-03 05:17:10 UTC  

Just like my phantom nut pain.

2019-03-03 05:18:06 UTC  

I wonder if Krieger is okay.