Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 563515902570659903

2019-04-04 23:16:51 UTC  

Haha haha

2019-04-04 23:17:04 UTC  

>this is actually what euros believe

2019-04-04 23:17:25 UTC  

i see ...someone is jealous of my san francisco

2019-04-04 23:49:02 UTC  

San Fran was great right up until the tech boom

2019-04-04 23:49:17 UTC  

Silicone valley ruined California

2019-04-04 23:59:40 UTC  

@Matthew nein, my prof is from missouri

2019-04-04 23:59:56 UTC  

I thought she was a texan at first

2019-04-05 00:02:56 UTC  

Literally nobody is jealous of Californians. Nobody.

2019-04-05 00:04:34 UTC  

I'm a tad jealous of Californian's upper class

2019-04-05 00:05:00 UTC  

They have pretty much figured out how to be filthy rich and still look good to the dumbfuck on the street

2019-04-05 00:07:12 UTC  

Californian REEEEEEEEEEing is so delicious, tho. When Trump won, the asspain was glorious

2019-04-05 00:08:19 UTC

2019-04-05 00:08:35 UTC  

>no fatty ever

2019-04-05 00:08:55 UTC  


2019-04-05 00:09:02 UTC  

What did he mean by this

2019-04-05 00:09:18 UTC  

fph was the last good thing about reddit

2019-04-05 00:09:47 UTC  

What the hell are you talking about

2019-04-05 00:10:18 UTC  


2019-04-05 00:10:26 UTC  

Good old memories

2019-04-05 00:11:00 UTC  

Ok retard

2019-04-05 00:11:29 UTC  


2019-04-05 00:11:48 UTC  


2019-04-05 00:11:49 UTC  


2019-04-05 00:12:04 UTC  

fph is a thing on /fit/

2019-04-05 00:37:37 UTC  

fph/fatpeoplehate was massive on reddit and then admins nuked it

2019-04-05 00:38:05 UTC  

Then they all posted swastikas and shit all over reddit and everyone had fun

2019-04-05 00:57:13 UTC  


2019-04-05 00:58:32 UTC  

I mean, I think grotesquely obese people are gross, too, but being O B S E S S E D with them to the point of spending your time making memes and talking about how much you hate them is pretty sad

2019-04-05 01:11:08 UTC  


2019-04-05 01:11:14 UTC  

It still was fun to watch

2019-04-05 01:12:48 UTC  

Fph got banned Because they decided to go after the imgur staff

2019-04-05 01:12:53 UTC  

Who are close with Reddit staff

2019-04-05 01:13:20 UTC  

Reddit only bans things when it's in the news or hurts someone they like

2019-04-05 01:13:40 UTC  

See the child porn subreddits. And watch people die

2019-04-05 02:02:44 UTC  

@Pawp WPD died because of the shooting footage

2019-04-05 02:03:09 UTC  

No it died because of the news pointing it out

2019-04-05 02:03:20 UTC  

There were rules specially for not mentioning it

2019-04-05 02:03:36 UTC  

There were also tons of other shooting footages

2019-04-05 02:03:46 UTC  

You can't tell me that that one was magically worse

2019-04-05 02:04:15 UTC  

AND the subreddit was already quarentined