Message from @F.
Discord ID: 189707193648545792
its fine
it's good
I paid 70?€ for my avior, probably not worth the price
Nah, the mouse
so I click on one fucking fleshlight and this appears on my just for you
anyone got an ajazz keyboard? they're really cheap
those 35 buck mechs?
What would you use the money for?
I was looking to catch a blue switch one
Use the money to pay pissphone for the interview
Still, ain't sure if I will, but I think I saw a review on the threads
Any one of you could be pissphone
the pissphone boogeyman
hirasawa has that mouse that xebec just posted btw. bit of trivia
Maybe I should pee my n5x to see if it is durable like an iPhone
Any of you used the laser keyboard before?
I doubt my lumia 550 could survive a pissing
I did
Bought it for 20 bucks sold it for 65
free with tesco vouchers 😛
It feels fucking uncomfortable but it looks futuristic af
Oh and had any of you DIYed powerbank before?
Didn't ghost with "normal" typing
Ok music's over
(silence fills the room)
naw, never heard of it before last week
There's a bunch of ready made bots
20? Did you buy that from ?
remember to join voice chat to hear what I'm saying
You can probably just google discord bots and find whatever
I got the laser kboard from Ali, it looks almost the same as that one but full black
Life's hard when you're 7k mmr and need to wait an hour for a game
if your'e really good you turn into a cute girl and pilot a mecha
But they don't have a chance to get loads of money from tournaments