Message from @Zoltan
Discord ID: 189730301092691968
wow can basically run on anything right?
it loads shit pretty fast though because it's got an ssd
maybe it can run on my sansa clip +
I just use it for taking notes and shit though
do i skip 420
best cheap tablet for reading mangos
I mean meme n stuff but 7 mins
amazon one?
it's pretty good for reading mangos
I do that on it
nook hd+ used to be good back in the day - dunno if you can still get
it's really convenient for taking notes though is the main reason I got it
because it has the pen so I can actually right shit down
how's the pen?
it's fine, I don't think you can use other pens with it though
so if you lose the pen you're kind afucked
when I download through git where does the file go?
can't find it
and I don't think they sell just the pen, you have to get the pen + keyboard which is like 60 bucks if you lose the pen
oh think I've got it
can you rename bots?
I mean a mitu bot would be fucking cool
you want musc? buy somethign
Playing *Ar Tonelico - EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. With Lyrics* in `General` (3:58, requested by xebec).
You guys mixing this music live? Impressive.
oh one bad thing about the cube i7 stylus, for some reason mine came with two layers of plastic film over the screen, so I thought that it got really really scratched up
-play space oddity lady heroine
but it was just the second piece of film
-play space oddity lady heroine
@F. Added *Lady Heroine - Space Oddity (David Bowie Cover)* (4:48) to the queue (position **#3**)
it was pretty good for playing yugioh when I was into that
setting up new account now, not long
oh there is one thing that's actually bad about using the pen on it though, it registers your wrist resting on it too, so you might end up fucking with the task bar or shit a lot so I had to move the task bar to the side when writing
it would be nice if it were possible to turn of touch besides the pen
the technology exists
just not on that peice it seems