Message from @Phatique
Discord ID: 190943180131270657
"let's just make an EP no one can ever buy lol"
True audiophiles only listen to vinyl anyway
Mao zhuxi is here
@ThePlayerBeta Oh it's the hyperdimension neptunia loli
Just bought a big Xiaomeme Yi action cam pack
super hype to bike this summer
They literally have action cams on the bikes on TV now
>think back to neckbeards I used to study with
>remember this guy's steam profile name
>look it up
this guy was the biggest mememan I ever met IRL
>le smart guy
"Well the best place to start is like... That I am a huge geek, like really incredibly geeky. If that isn't your thing well... You probably won't like me. I love many facets of geekdom (but not the creepy ones). And yeah, my profile picture is terrible, but I honestly couldn't find a better one at the time. I really should change it... "
he had some cringey youtube blogs of him wearing a cum stained Marvel heroes t-shirt and a fedora
can't find them now
I really thought fedora thing was just a meme, then i went to uni
mostly girls wear them
but then the occasional guy with a fedora and mouth fedora
no wonder he dropped out
I love this shit
I have yet to see someone vaping in my area
talked to this guy's ex-gf (yes he had an ex-gf), apparently he'd wipe his jizz off her with his jeans then put them on as if nothing happened
and walk around like that
I'm done
that innocent face tho
I still see him walking around the area
he's got a big neckbeard now
used to be clean shaven