Message from @Phatique
Discord ID: 199268407210803200
putted a bronze pad on the cpu
and some better silicon pads on the gpu
and when i essambled everything together bacjk
What laptop is it?
the screen wont start if the keyboard is connected
what the fuck
>fixed her laptop
i disconnected the keyboard
You can't fix an Asus
at the screen starts
Because it's asus
disconnected it
screen wont start
Maybe you're shorting something
Make her buy a thinkpad
thinkpads looks like shit, that is not attractive for womyn'
>not attractive
She will get all the filthy weebs
Did you just leave your sis with a broken laptop?
Like what's plan B?
Take it to pajeet?
well her battery was like 5% all the time
and she barely could use it anyway
it what shutting down all the time because of the high temps
Try to start it up without the case closed and the keyboard not touching the rest of the parts except for the cable being connected
tommorow is a post day, happy chinking tomorrow
Chinking ain't easy
nice SGDQ is live
Is the v60 Bluetooth compatible?
I see that it has a detachable cable
whats a v60?
60% mech keyboard
oh that
I'm off to bed