Message from @FriedolicN
Discord ID: 199292757661974528
Hi i have some bucks that are burning in my pocket,i would like to spend them in some chink shit,i would like some ideas
Might just wanna go with the Xiaomi ones, I went with some cheap ones for my lamps and am kinda disappointed
I am pretty happy with my opinel carbon, i was thinking about getting one of those fancy golden mics,but i might not have enought space on my desktop for it. I would like some every day carry.
Golden mics?
Maybe when the csg boom happened every body ordered one of those mics with a black screen and a shark card
Exactly i was talking about the bm-800
How is the audio quality?
Good, needs phantom power
My videos use it
Never seen one of your videos
But i listen to all the podcasts
Yeah most of the cast uses bm-800s
Nice audio quality
I use full phantom power
Your quality will vary depending what powers it
When i built my pc i felt for the audio card meme
I got a soundblaster z card
One of those gamer ones?
Drivers are fucking shit it seems as if my graphic card creates some kind of interference with the audio and it goes crazy randomly
Yep one of those gamer ones
Drivers are shit
I'd recommend an external audio interface, does wonders for me
So i think i am going to discart that
What can i use as phantom power?
Audio interface or a dedicated power supply
I remember people buying one of those small usb audio cards to power it up
Yeah I fell for that meme
It does Chinese trickery to work
I took my video down recommending it
Think of electric guitars, they need an amp to power them right
Now imagine you fed the electric guitar really low electricity then pumped the volume up 2000%
That's what a somake usb does
It's just making a quiet signal louder through gain boosting
So that equals shit quality
It's okay, but I need to use my mic for more than gaming
Rich full sound is important to me
If you need a mic for gaming get the $1 lav mic on Gearbest