Message from @zambz
Discord ID: 199461140638597120
>not wishing him good sleep
I swear
I was actually thinking of going to sleep so
good sleep, nigel
good sleep, nige
I royally fucked my sleep schedule'
woke up at around 00
Rip stick
and I am actually really tired
Go to sleep
sometimes I wish I could just sleep forever and bother no one
Chink shit ruins lives
Allahu akbar, stick
Allahu akbar
>user called Abdullah joins
>leaves because he knows he's a dirty Muslim
smell ya later
Comfy, post homescreen, and stick as well if he's still here
I don't rice my shit because I'm not 12
No ricu no lifu
>I'm a unique individual! Look at my riced phone!
My rice is convenient
Easier to navigate
Plus nice wallpaper
>I'm very original, I play video games and like technology
Oh fuck I think I hear the postman outside
people are literally speedrinnging a gameboy barbie game
almost 18K random chinkshit picked
in 3 days 😛
totally worth the 20euros i have spend on this project so far
like in 18 000 products?
i mean like.... it has 18 000 page views (ie 18000 products shown)
it has about 450products now