Message from @Babilon
Discord ID: 203648155982495744
is the linux shill tips of the chick shit
sounds good fam
I harnessed it better in later videos
you can compare
don't need to watch or anything
dicked about in adobe audition to clean it up
cute cockatiels
dirty reviews is worth checking out too
if you're new to chink shit
he started the sharks meme
the motospeed
looks really ugly
it has the best price/performance ratio
the absolute cheapest is the AULA
oh the silver one isnt that bad
red or rose gold though
Im selling my gtx 550 ti for some spare money and I was thinking of buying a chink mech
I ordered an Ajazz AK33 but it never turned up
got a full refund
sucks, it's a nice poker 3 ripoff
zirmemes are on the way
ajazz looks really nice
non-standard space bar and arrow keys
I tried to get custom keycaps
LFMAO love it when TVs fail at skypeing
chinks admitted it wouldn't work
I wonder if it's good quality wise
I might just order one over the aula
I really like the compact design
it uses knock off voodoo keys, I'd tell you more but chinks chinked me out of a review
they released a rainbow RGB version recently
i watched that video a couple of days ago