Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 203851781543952384

2016-07-16 12:30:41 UTC  

got a reply for a job search before "while your skills and background are impressive you dont fit the criteria the same as other aplicants"

2016-07-16 12:30:41 UTC  

I-its the flu season I swear

2016-07-16 12:31:34 UTC  

I've had that reply thousands of times @zero

2016-07-16 12:31:35 UTC  

"you are very skilled and impressive but you cannot lift slabs of alcohol for us"

2016-07-16 12:31:51 UTC  

underqualified for moving grog

2016-07-16 12:31:56 UTC  


2016-07-16 12:31:59 UTC  

probably overqualified

2016-07-16 12:32:08 UTC  

they don't want you being smart enough to realise the work is shit

2016-07-16 12:32:20 UTC  

I know the work is shit that's why i want it

2016-07-16 12:32:37 UTC  

I've told the story before, I got fired 6 hours into a job because I got overheard saying "this is hard work eh"

2016-07-16 12:32:50 UTC  

by the company manager

2016-07-16 12:32:57 UTC  

not even in a complaining way

2016-07-16 12:32:59 UTC  

Those things you guys posted are extremely common in Asia

2016-07-16 12:33:01 UTC  

At least you got a reply

2016-07-16 12:33:35 UTC  

I'd say 3 out of 4 own one, and they use em very regularly outside

2016-07-16 12:33:41 UTC  

yeah the masks hide the shit eating grin on their faces as they try to chink their fellow chinkman

2016-07-16 12:33:49 UTC  

Or just yano

2016-07-16 12:33:54 UTC  

Dust, smoke and such

2016-07-16 12:33:55 UTC  

I associate face masks more with japs than chinks

2016-07-16 12:34:09 UTC  

In cleaner countries, they have those on when they're sick

2016-07-16 12:34:12 UTC  

mainland china I associate with gutter oil, spitting and toilet cubicles with no doors

2016-07-16 12:34:16 UTC  

well in any case i think i would have been an excellent booze salesman

2016-07-16 12:34:20 UTC  

For hygenic reasons

2016-07-16 12:34:40 UTC  

Chinks definitely use face masks more than Nips, though

2016-07-16 12:34:45 UTC  

Cause smog

2016-07-16 12:35:00 UTC  

*mao /pol/ery incoming* people from the philippines probably dont use them, they are like asia's india

2016-07-16 12:35:01 UTC  

yeah, smog and hidden pyramids

2016-07-16 12:35:10 UTC  

Japan is much cleaner, so the case of use is

2016-07-16 12:35:11 UTC

2016-07-16 12:35:42 UTC  

Mao genuinely thought only people from America and Britain use /k/

2016-07-16 12:35:53 UTC  

I don't like talking ill of the dead

2016-07-16 12:36:02 UTC  

but that's pretty dumb

2016-07-16 12:36:06 UTC  

Oh, so you guys banned him

2016-07-16 12:36:13 UTC  

I didn't see alot of pol sperging from him

2016-07-16 12:36:18 UTC  

10 votes yes, 3 votes no

2016-07-16 12:36:19 UTC  

But then again

2016-07-16 12:36:20 UTC  

I voted no

2016-07-16 12:36:26 UTC  

this doco is sad

2016-07-16 12:36:26 UTC  

I muted the pol channel

2016-07-16 12:36:28 UTC  

7 votes yes*