Message from @cam-peterson
Discord ID: 222089409678278656
good night fellow negroes
Are you gonna fap?
may your shipments come fast and quick
no not tonight
good night chinkkers
That's a lie
I already fapped today
Why not twice?
The more you kill your sperm cells
The less chance there is for you to reproduce.
gn niggers
>Killing sperm cells
That's not how sperm production works
You can always hope
Welcome @cam-peterson!
whadddduuup negro
Welcome <@222089935174238209>!
got any tips on finding other good discords? or just plain recommend me some to check out
I have realized something
I am super normie
And #proud
"submit them as reviews to Gearbest and reap the good boy points" Lithu's really grasping
Welcome @「sin」!
that's not even how Gearbest reviews work
oy vey
how many good boy points do i need to get 4$ off :^)
depends on the product
you can take an extra 30% off with GBpoints actually
im just trying to buy a screen protector but payday is a week away
itll take like three weeks to arrive anyway
why not just wait a week
im gonna forget i need it
@Aerione holy shit