Message from @matt123337
Discord ID: 228738444879331330
I'm still on a 770
Always feels nice to upgrade
also cpu is at 4.6 not 4.0
I fell for the i5 meme a long time ago
Ye, I just recently went from an FX-9590 (I didn't buy it, autistic bosses-son did then rekt computer and I salvaged shit) to this i7
tbh I completely skipped last upgrade cycle
so my whole rig is getting questionable
I'm set for a fews years now
Do you play enough games to justify the upgrade
ya until muh dx12 or whatever
Am on 1070
dx12 masterrace
I play a bunch of sperg games really
so gfx are secondary
most gfx intensive game I play is arma3
but doesn't matter what your hardware is with that
it's still gonna run like shit
Only upgrade I am considering is another 32gb of ram, and only cause muh vms
Do it
am poor now
Just bought i7 and mobo and ram
Get a job neety
am in college
and health insurance is paying for computer upgrades
Epic nice
I'd advise you guys to see if your insurance has caluses for schoolbooks and shit
If you're in a tech related program, can file your upgrades under that and get money back
What are you studying to be
In a general comp programming program
fell for the CS meme
Sounds depressing
I'm just using it as an excuse to delay becoming a fully functonal adult
nah that's cool tho if you have dece profs
I can only program if in jacked up on adderal
plus school has a student-only job site thing
that actually teach someting useful