Message from @shadowedROM
Discord ID: 250668997203197962
feels bad man
why are you doing that to yourself
Better than eating chink shit anyway
stew is good
stews good
fuck off hiroshima
Welcome <@154587419000176640>!
im not gonna download that
im just being dick .. its broken link
did anyone here ever buy a battery off ali?
i dont want to be boom'd
Who is this germany
so a part of me thinks I should either get a used Hakko 936 or a new Hakko FX-888D, but another part of me says, why are you getting old technology when the chinks have clearly started to eclipse the japs
I know those designs are abundant and I hear the going rate in China proper is just around 130RMB (~$20?) but shipping etc kills it for us laowai
oled turns me on
is this the best chink tablet
prettymuch use/cost wise
the old people on my baofeng are talking about the basket ball
fuck around and get crossed up
New thread needed
Sqonyy p1aaystootin
top bub
other than cuck name, that looks pretty cool
I got my 3rd soundcard
prolly posting sum reviews on the thread l8r
I'm gonna be the professional on chink usb soundcards
>3 sound cards
even 1 dedicated is excessive
tfw bumped into pc and killed onboard audio
living the latvian life, eh?