Message from @myuutsu
Discord ID: 260263658737631232
Probably something like that one
Both seem to be similar
the 49 one has an extra usb port
Is this Orange Pi free as in freedom?
Because a 100% free Raspberry Pi ripoff is something I've been looking for.
Q12: ARE ALL SOURCES AVAILABLE (KERNEL, HARDWARE DRIVERS/FIRMWARE, especially the Mali 400 graphics chip)?
A12:All source code include kernel, hardware driviers/firmware, Orange pi will open to public, except that Orange pi also use some dynamic lib that do not open to us. Orange pi will open all the source code we have. For mali 400 graphics source code, we also get from sunxi upstream. You can get the source code from Orange pi github:
It's not 100% freedom
is the aula 2012 any good?
woah thats too hot
@myuutsu what's that? Sauce?
It's a car thermometer
Sadly the SUCC is no good
do you guys use this thing
My C-cell dollar store chinkshit bicycle flashlight still works and it's about 14 years old now. wew
does anyone want to shoot some shit?
shoo shoo, DangitDale stinky chinky
wew look what I just found
Pro 80's but with good stock pads
shoo shoo, DrabWeb stinky chinky
yeah thats what i was talking about
takstar pro 80s
and they have actually good locking stock pads so you dont need to factor in the price of HM5 pads or something
actually a pretty good deal for a closed can
I just wonder if they use the new shitty drivers from ISK
im also considering buying some chinese m50x 'clones'
just cause i need a decent cheap bassy foldable can
can get em a bit cheaper but i dont want none of that disgusting white and red shit