Message from @needachinkphone
Discord ID: 265509510834159616
Change of subject.
i still need a phone
^ thought about it, but my budget is a bit bigger
What's a decent mech keyboard?
I dont know goy
I have the keyboard paradise v80 clears
clears are comfy as fuck
I'm using a good old Cherry office keyboard
its 10/10
Wait what model?
just get clears, browns are shit
I have browns atm
oh wait, i mean the v60. tkl
What's the difference in feel?
I've tried reds, browns and blues. had each on different kb for about a year or two each
but clears feel perfect
Feel the same.
browns and reds feel sort of the same
Yeah I do
Was thinking about o-rings maybe
you can try, I havent tried orings yet
People do say it ruins the feeling a bit and gives the same tactile as rubber keyboards
tfw repaired k120s twice, never used a mechanical
I had a topre keyboard for a couple years
It was perfect
It was literally exactly what I wanted.
And then some fuck stole it
Half Indian here
India is a hot mess
Grandparents got the fuck out of there
Western Europe then the states in 68
Chess sets?
I have a good Indian chess set
Oh yeah.
Marble board and pieces wood frame with hinge for velvet compartment for ~25 dollars
Idk about chink sets