Message from @Karling
Discord ID: 277141214875090944
until that video went viral
$0.02 has been directed to your account.
sucker punch
how brave
ok he's gone lol
mods are gods
wew lad
how weak of that guy to fall over to a sucker punch where the guy charged him and had a spanner in his fucking arm sleeve
gas the liberals tbh
I honestly would've liked to continue the convo
but whatevs
Same, but this place isn't really meant for free discussion.
he's playing devils advocates, it's not a conversation
It's more of a Trump rally online for now.
Liberal degenerate= libcuck. Bullycide him until he sees the light
So an r/The_Donald type of server?
I'm here because I want to try and organise some kind of subversion of the marxist/communist rhetoric going around
incoming dox of some of [REDACTED]'s facebook antifa friends
like it has subverted almost all of our systems
@everyone Someone has already purchased; probably a /pol/ack
Who's Ian Millar?
this link is the friends list for [REDACTED]
he's the agent provocateur that killed the guy in berkeley
Berkeley was that protest, right?
someone got killed?
@everyone For now, I'm the de facto organizer of Anticom. I'm working on a text document to enumerate our requirements to join, tenets, uniform, and other such details. It should be ready by this evening at the very latest.
No uniforms