Message from @Droidbot

Discord ID: 610121539987308544

2019-08-09 22:22:13 UTC  

Can't search easily on mobile

2019-08-09 22:22:49 UTC  


2019-08-09 22:25:47 UTC  

Is that one of Xiaomi's million subsidiaries

2019-08-09 22:25:56 UTC  

There's 6 DMCAs listed simultaneously under that Beijing SenseTime

2019-08-09 22:26:01 UTC  

That's the 5th one

2019-08-09 22:26:34 UTC  

No clue

2019-08-09 22:28:45 UTC  

Chinese AI unicorn of which Xiaomi is one of their "strategic partners"

2019-08-11 08:38:14 UTC  
2019-08-11 08:39:54 UTC  

@Matthew your answer to wanting to know how much he spent on the parts for that Samsung is at the end of the vid

2019-08-11 14:39:24 UTC  

yo does anyone know a good and light linux distro just to run cs go?

2019-08-11 14:39:44 UTC  

I don't want to play it it just need to run

2019-08-11 14:40:41 UTC  

>lootbox idling

2019-08-11 14:40:43 UTC  


2019-08-11 14:40:46 UTC  

Try Mint

2019-08-11 14:41:02 UTC  

nah I want to derank on multiple accounts

2019-08-11 14:41:06 UTC  

but thanks!

2019-08-11 14:41:19 UTC  

I want to let it run in like 5 VM's

2019-08-11 14:44:28 UTC  

due to directx meme game runs best on windows

2019-08-11 14:44:44 UTC  

nah I tryed to run it on windows

2019-08-11 14:44:50 UTC  

but it doesn't work

2019-08-11 14:45:10 UTC  

get a win7 base iso, strip all unneeded processes and shit out and then put steam client on boot

2019-08-11 14:45:12 UTC  


2019-08-11 14:45:17 UTC  


2019-08-11 14:45:40 UTC  

arch is a good base, add what you need from there and shit from aur then clone the vm

2019-08-11 14:45:55 UTC  

This comes on win

2019-08-11 15:02:16 UTC  

you're doing it wrong then, microsoft basic render driver supports dx12

2019-08-11 15:03:22 UTC  

can't you use textmode

2019-08-11 15:06:20 UTC  

The game will panic without a GPU present

2019-08-11 15:06:45 UTC  

Ideally you want 6 shitty GPUs or something like a GRID card to throw onto each VM

2019-08-11 15:19:22 UTC  

not sure

2019-08-11 15:19:31 UTC  

csgo is mostly a CPU intensive game

2019-08-11 18:02:48 UTC  

wow now I'm using Mint and when I'm stating csgo the window is black and nothing is happening

2019-08-11 18:25:17 UTC  

Did you get the proper video drivers

2019-08-11 18:26:51 UTC  

yeah I got mesa installed

2019-08-11 18:26:58 UTC  

newest version

2019-08-11 18:27:22 UTC  

this is everything

2019-08-13 09:30:23 UTC  

thats kinda cool

2019-08-13 09:30:28 UTC  

also kinda cute

2019-08-13 09:38:09 UTC  

until you sell your car

2019-08-13 09:42:31 UTC  

no no