Message from @Mr. P

Discord ID: 618101452610600971

2019-09-02 14:00:30 UTC  

they argue yet do not give proof

2019-09-02 14:03:27 UTC  

Philosphers from as long as there has been philosophers have argued for a great many things - Non of which is Evidence for anything - EG Some argue for Solipsism some against non of them prove either way

2019-09-02 14:04:02 UTC  

So lets rather talk about your belief and why you believe it

2019-09-02 14:07:14 UTC  

Well why I believe in God is a short and simple tail.
You see years ago I found myself where you're at basically,a low life atheist that hates religion for some reason and sees society as the only way to rely upon things.A few years later I got into politics and saw the world around me for what it is:A Godless consumeristic,materialist hell hole where new products are encouraged and all that matters is buying and being dependant on shops.I found myself asking where did it go wrong?I found out that after WWII people started losing faith and thus becoming immoral since they rely on society to give morals for them.Fags got rights and Trannies as well resulting in the push for global homo.Because most of these trannies and fags are usually atheists or satanists(which is basically atheism because it's based on nihilism,individualism and materialism).I then realised what must be done:I need to regain my faith again and I mean that's where it about ends

TL;DR society became degenerate and I needed and I saw God as the solution for that

2019-09-02 14:23:24 UTC  

LOL - You cannot be serious... Shall I break that down for you.. What you just said is you dont like the way the world looks therefore God is Real... What amazes me is that you think the one leads to the other some how.. okay but lets tackle your position.... You wonder why we hate religion . well how about you trying to convert everyone to you specific "brand" of religion and if they dont they automatic must be low lifes.. Even though you know nothing about me. Which brings me to the next point Religion Devides and does not unite. as you make abundantly clear in your statement. Religion also get you believing in things without good reason for believing in it.. Just to name a few of the problems let alone you vote in accordance to that religion you follow and expect me to follow your Ideals created by sheep herders. Perhaps your views on consumerism is based on the circles you move in and not what the vast majority of people adhere to. Perhaps its time for you to change up the people you hang around. So you say that people lost faith AFTER WW2 hence by your standard you should be asking how did the people Before WW1 and 2 who were Faithfull got into WW1 and WW2 if faith prevents immoral behaviour.. I dont know about you but WW1 and WW2 both were pretty fucked up in my mind and Since by your std that After world War 2 people lost Faith - then I must Commend them because we still have not seen WW3 yet so we doing pretty well ty.

2019-09-02 14:23:28 UTC  

As for fags and trannies - please explain to me what exactly is inherintly immoral about either of these people short of quoting your bible. Its only religions who are concerned about what people do in their private bedrooms. Atheism is not based on anything other than 1 single view . That being No evidence has been presented for God therefore we do not believe in it until such situation changes. That is it. So if you want to change Atheists minds perhaps you should start coming up with better ways than just saying " I dont like the world , therefore GOD "

2019-09-02 14:36:35 UTC  

@Bantukaner - and before you missunderstand me let me also add the following .. I dont know you from a bar of soap therefore I do not hate you nor do I love you .. I have no idea about you and thats it.. What I do think about you is that your std for evidence is very low . " No that does not mean you stupid " it just means you dont have Good Reasons for your belief. And Hopefully you see that and find better reasons to believe

2019-09-02 14:43:19 UTC  

well if you think about it logically there has to be some form of a higher power who created the universe

2019-09-02 14:45:16 UTC  

7DK - did it ever occur to you that you already poisoning the well by saying the following " WHO and Created " what makes you think it is a who and not a what? Then what makes you think it was Created ?

2019-09-02 14:54:29 UTC  

ok , some kind of cosmic force

2019-09-02 14:54:37 UTC  

'higher power'

2019-09-02 14:59:09 UTC  

7DK the only logical conclusion (and honest one) that can be said about the formation of this universe is science is working on this problem and they still do not have an answer. There is an entire field of science working on this and they still just have ideas. I can talk about what I think about the formation of the universe but what I think and what I believe is two different statements.

2019-09-02 15:04:06 UTC  

7DK science may answer this question about the origin of the universe in my lifetime and they may not . I am happy in the knowledge that both of these situations may prove to be true.. But I am not willing to be intellectually dishonest and say well because Science does not know yet, therefore this Religion thing must be right..

2019-09-02 15:04:38 UTC  

Ok this is going to be a long one

-The reason why people want to convert you to a specific brand of religion is for the simple reason that they want you saved.Even if you laugh at their "backwards" beliefs,mock them for their views or generally just hate them for their religion.

-Religion is to unite all people under your faith but since there is so many faiths this has been a hard thing to achieve and because there are people like you who refuse to believe.

-Referring to a religion as a bunch of sheep herder or muh dead jew on stick is called the Bronze Age Myth Fallacy.Using exaggerated points to make religion out so bad that it can't be defended because "who'd want to defend people who believe in fairy tales and muh santa claus xddd"

-Why should I change the people I hang out with?They give me the truths to many of society's problems. Consumerism makes the human body a cog in the machine and expects from it to constantly rely on a markets that only seek to enrich themselves and would betray their nation at any chance they could.

-The reason why people lost their faith after WWII can be split into two sections:Forced rejection of belief and Materialist Consumerism or just the effects of West and East in the Cold War:

2019-09-02 15:04:39 UTC  

**__Forced Rejection of Belief:__**

After WWII ended most of the world was divided between East and West,Communism and Capitalism.One must understand what's bad about both of these ideologies.In this section I will tackle communism or trying to achieve communism through Marxist Leninism:Communism focusses on the worker and that the worker should be the controller of the factory and the country. Obviously this wasn't the case in many Eastern Bloc nations except for in Yugoslavia but religion was also suppressed there to stop nationalism under the South Slavic groups from spreading.Under Stalin the USSR developed into a cult of personality focussed around the state namely Stalin or the leader that at that time.There were many campaigns against religion in the USSR which lead to the deaths of 12-20 million Christians.People seeing that they would get persecuted for their beliefs decided to abandon them and could live without worrying about that.Those who kept their faith did it in private but since the NKVD and KGB were a thing it was encouraged to tell them if your neighbours were practicing religion.The reason for this was solidify control in the country.Many Eastern Nations followed this program and still has an effect on many nations.

2019-09-02 15:05:18 UTC  

**__Materialism and Consumerism:__**

Following the defeat of the Germans after WWII the West saw that they needed to keep Europe capitalist.Through this was mass production of goods that basically nobody needed and the mass creation of movies.This was used by the West to show that capitalism is a better system than what the East had at the time.Through this was also the use of consumerism which lead to people constantly wanting to buy new things and whenever a new thing came out,even if it wasn't as good as the previous thing you still needed to get it because everybody was getting it and that's a good thing because why?Well because everybody was doing it and you need to do what everybody was doing.This lead to people viewing consumerism as their god and how were they going to pay tribute to this god?Constantly partaking in a materialist hellhole that encourages you to just to consume.Because of this people stared losing their faiths and the upper class benefited from this because of the income they were getting.

2019-09-02 15:05:30 UTC  

**__Homosexuals and Transgenders:__**

Well seeing that these people constantly promote degenerate practises such as pride parades where they go out sometimes naked in front of children ruining the innocence of children.Studies have shown that there is no gay gene therefore they aren't born that way.Studies have also shown that homosexuals make out for the majority of sexual predators and child abusers,therefore cutting them out of the picture would lead to less people being abused as a child,which would result in less homosexuals in this world.Transgenders constantly complain about not enough men wanting to sleep with them and continue to complain about it up until the point were it would be considered a bigoted thing not to sleep with a transgender person.Also these people don't fit into my fascistic worldview and therefore I automatically see them as a threat to society.

2019-09-02 15:07:51 UTC  

could actually give this essay for a school to mark

2019-09-02 15:11:35 UTC  

also any other responses would have to be done in Word

2019-09-02 15:14:19 UTC  

my god man

2019-09-02 15:14:30 UTC  

u to niggas need to be stoped

2019-09-02 15:20:13 UTC  

@Bantukaner - thanks for the long read - I love spending my spare time reading... Hehe.. okay.. lets tackle your statements.. 1...Firstly you need to show me first that I need to be saved and in order to do that you still have to prove your Gods Existance.. It like saying hey I want to provide you a parachute even though you cannot show me that the plane is crashing.... 2... Uniting under religion - any dumb ass can tell you that If God existed and was able to Think logicaly then he would easily see that the outcome he desires and what is actually happening is two very different things.. Why doesnt god just Come out from hiding and say hey All you human dummies this is how it is and here I am forget all the books and this is me presenting myself to you. 3...Forced Rejection of belief .. Correlation does not equal causation.. There is no evidence to show that Stalin Murdered because of Religious Beliefs.. His motives , very little is known about his motives , what is known is he was extremely paranoid and was delusional about his countrymen.. Just because the people who died under stalin were christians does not mean it was because they were christians..

2019-09-02 15:23:15 UTC  

4... Consumerism and Materialism .. Since the dawn of mankind progress has always led to infighting and copying of innovation .. EG early humans invented the club and early humans quickly realized there was advantages to having a club over an enemy who did not have a club. which meant More Early humans wanted clubs so more were made.. This is just Human Nature at work .. Survival of the fittest so to speak.. If you have a nice car and it affords you a special standing within social ciicles that benifits you more than me then it would be natural for a person to want a better car

2019-09-02 15:23:56 UTC  

and so on and so forth

2019-09-02 15:24:06 UTC  

You are trying to change Human Nature

2019-09-02 15:24:51 UTC  

As for the Homosexuals and Trans people.. I really would like to see your sources .. and their credibility

2019-09-02 15:26:25 UTC  

because I dont know about you but there is a lot of dads out there who molest their children whilst still being straight .. and this has been ongoing since again ( the dawn of man)

2019-09-02 15:26:56 UTC  

There is a lot of mother out there who molest their boys whilst still being hetro

2019-09-02 15:27:30 UTC  

These people are the fringe Groups and have been around since the dawn of man

2019-09-02 15:28:29 UTC  

I dont see any evidence that it is mainly homosexuals and trans that do these things . and the ones who do commit these kind of crimes are also just the fringes of their community

2019-09-02 15:29:35 UTC  

Which brings us to Your sources stating that the Majority of sexual deviance is commited by Trans and Homosexuals (especially because they are trans and homosexuals)

2019-09-02 15:30:14 UTC  

All of which --- non of these statements gets me to GOD IS REAL

2019-09-02 15:35:18 UTC  

-You nig the reason why people do that is to save you because their religion tells them to convert non-believers

-Kek.He did come out of hiding about 2000 years ago but they crucified him.


-Completely ignored what I wrote there nigga

2019-09-02 15:40:16 UTC  

@Bantukaner - Circular argument My religion tells me to save you thefore I must save you.. Atheist: why do you believe your religion - Christian because I dont like the world ..Atheist: Why do I need saving ? Because my Relgion.. Come on man surely you can see this problem???? Atheist: How do you know he came out of hiding? because my bible says he did.. Atheist : why do you believe your bible Christian : because i dont like the world

2019-09-02 15:40:53 UTC  

and did you just quote a Christian website to support your Stalin theory - lol

2019-09-02 15:42:01 UTC  

I also never said anything about Homosexuality being Genetic.. so Im not sure your point there..

2019-09-02 15:42:33 UTC  

You are still to provide why Homosexuality is immoral

2019-09-02 15:43:36 UTC  

@Oupoes pretty sure I quoted from many a website about Stalin

2019-09-02 15:43:40 UTC  

Homosexuality from a evolution perspective is species suicide