Message from @Hamburger Guy

Discord ID: 593917805964034049

2019-06-27 21:34:12 UTC  

@Hamburger Guy Made by someone else

2019-06-27 21:34:20 UTC  

Made by someone else

2019-06-27 21:34:20 UTC  

To try to justify a flat earth book

2019-06-27 21:34:31 UTC  


2019-06-27 21:34:37 UTC  


2019-06-27 21:34:40 UTC  

Ignorant fool

2019-06-27 21:34:48 UTC  

Matthew 5:22

2019-06-27 21:34:49 UTC  

**Matthew 5:22 - King James Version (KJV)**


<22> But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. ```

2019-06-27 21:35:02 UTC  

**Without a cause**

2019-06-27 21:35:04 UTC  


2019-06-27 21:35:08 UTC  

Choosing to ignore

2019-06-27 21:35:12 UTC  

Weren't one of the Magi from Ethiopia

2019-06-27 21:35:13 UTC  

You trying to paganize the bible is a good cause

2019-06-27 21:35:19 UTC  

That's pretty far

2019-06-27 21:35:19 UTC  

I am not

2019-06-27 21:35:47 UTC  

God doesn't want you to close your mind

2019-06-27 21:36:04 UTC  

And be absurdly ignorant of his own teachings

2019-06-27 21:36:12 UTC  

God wants you to stick to the bible he gave and not pagan trash

2019-06-27 21:36:39 UTC  

So everyone on earth prior to the Bible were damned?

2019-06-27 21:36:46 UTC  

Get out of here

2019-06-27 21:37:19 UTC  

Technically yes?

2019-06-27 21:37:37 UTC  

Didnt Jesus open heaven to humanity after his death?

2019-06-27 21:37:47 UTC  

But before that it was closed since Adam?

2019-06-27 21:37:52 UTC  

Acts 17:30

2019-06-27 21:37:52 UTC  

**Acts 17:30 - King James Version (KJV)**


<30> And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: ```

2019-06-27 21:38:02 UTC  

Not if you understand what the Bible and other religious texts implies

2019-06-27 21:38:15 UTC  

Broad path of destruction

2019-06-27 21:38:27 UTC  

Says you

2019-06-27 21:38:30 UTC  


2019-06-27 21:38:35 UTC  


2019-06-27 21:38:50 UTC  

Who ignores everything else in the world, now and before.

2019-06-27 21:39:10 UTC  

Who accepts paganism into a Hebrew book?

2019-06-27 21:39:24 UTC  

Not me.

2019-06-27 21:39:29 UTC  

You're misunderstanding

2019-06-27 21:39:32 UTC  

And assuming

2019-06-27 21:39:39 UTC  

Where God separates the Hebrews and the pagans because the pagans were wicked

2019-06-27 21:39:41 UTC  

Have fun limiting your mind

2019-06-27 21:40:20 UTC  

Have fun being a murderer

2019-06-27 21:40:23 UTC  

You're not at all listening and just extrapolating what you want to hear. Which has nothing to do with what I'm actually saying.

2019-06-27 21:40:50 UTC  

Don't you dare call me a murderer, ignorant fuckwit

2019-06-27 21:40:51 UTC  

I know the bible and what it says, and you are diluting and mixing it with garbage, you are disgracing God.