Message from @AnUnknownRider

Discord ID: 605345626993197056

2019-07-29 01:43:19 UTC  

Thanks again!

2019-07-29 02:03:10 UTC  


2019-07-29 02:13:26 UTC

2019-07-29 02:13:30 UTC  

@Bibleman this good?

2019-07-29 02:21:30 UTC  

there is probably good in it, but beware of leaven

2019-07-29 02:25:05 UTC  


2019-07-29 02:45:20 UTC  


2019-07-29 02:45:55 UTC  

Meh, Personally i'd just read the Bible itself.

2019-07-29 02:46:35 UTC  

But to each is his own 🀷

2019-07-29 02:46:46 UTC  

There are many versions. Some are better than others depending on several things for some people.

2019-07-29 02:48:35 UTC  

The KJV uses old words and it difficult for many to read. Also the translation is not all that good. Words chosen with little true meaning so hard to know what passages mean. It also uses verses that most manuscripts do not support.

2019-07-29 02:50:46 UTC  

Though those who love the KJV will dispute what I said. They will for example point out many manuscripts exist, based on all the same but many of them. I find that meaningless. Sure the Catholics made a lot of copies but they are all the Catholic Latin version.

2019-07-29 02:54:54 UTC  

Well i don't really care on the changes, I'm not picky on that, The only reason why i don't read, Nor necessarily like the KJV other than for it's historical value is due to the reason you pointed out above, It has a more difficult nature in reading it and also, The lack of a true meaning on some of the words.

2019-07-29 02:57:34 UTC  

That's why i personally just stick to the GNB or WEB versions for the canonical parts of the Bible.

2019-07-29 03:00:18 UTC  

I use E-Sword on the PC My-Sword on Android. This way I can see the Hebrew and Greek words and what they mean. I prefer the CJB when just reading it. But can still find text better in the KJV as I used it for so many years before considering other versions.

2019-07-29 10:26:12 UTC  

Iʋαɳツ#0621 Stop spamming! This is warning number 2

2019-07-29 10:26:13 UTC  

Iʋαɳツ#0621 has been sent to Muted for spamming!

2019-07-29 10:26:56 UTC  

No i wouldn't say he is.

2019-07-29 10:27:24 UTC  

Because i don't worship any god or gods for that matter

Dude when you yell Allahu Akbar you explode if that isn't magic to you I don't know what is

2019-07-29 10:30:45 UTC seem to miss the point in that scenario, They explode because that's when suicide bombers detonate the explosives they're carrying, Even then, A lot of other people speak the phrase and even yell it and they don't explode.

Damn that is disappointing

I chopped my dick in half for nothing?

2019-07-29 10:31:54 UTC  

Pretty much πŸ˜„

Which God do you suggest I believe in next?

2019-07-29 10:33:53 UTC  

I don't suggest for you to believe in any other god, If i was religious though, I'd then tell you to believe in whatever god or gods i believed in.

2019-07-29 10:34:38 UTC  

An Agnostic Atheist, I'm not a full Atheist.

Dude you think you're smart or something for not believing in God and trying to teach people the same, but you're just as dumb as anybody else, if you even had the smallest brain you'd realise that I was kidding with you this entire time

You really think you can acomplish something by telling people that God isn't real here

you really think people will change religion just because you told them something

2019-07-29 10:35:46 UTC  

No i don't.

2019-07-29 10:35:51 UTC  

That's why i don't do it.

You're completely useless in your life if you hang in here and just wait people to post something and that you can fight with them

you need to get a life and contribute to society

i was just here to have some fun but damn this place is full of retards

2019-07-29 10:39:44 UTC  

I do hang out in other places with a bit more sense, I just come onto here to kill some time.

2019-07-29 11:00:00 UTC  

How goes the reading rider?
I am planning on starting reading what you send to me later today as I got some time there