Message from @ZeroT

Discord ID: 592716736596541440

2019-06-23 20:55:27 UTC  

About the picture. It lists a bunch of food to eat; i think we can both agree that's mainly so you don't eat bad stuff not that it's actually helping directly but its forcing you to avoid bad stuff. But what i see is probably of most importance is the alkaline water. Clearly it has some sort of base in it which is fine. Low and behold alkaline water contains basic minerals such as calcium, magnesium, or bicarbonate. So in other words it does have weak bases in it. Not that its bad or any worse, but they are using chemicals to treat the tumor in that way.

2019-06-23 21:29:03 UTC  

Also, the point of citing that source, (I didn't actually realize that study was the source right above the post though. Either way it's fine), was that they did find that the chemicals did also cause the rate dissemination (spreading) to increase, but they found a drug that prevents it from spreading altogether know as "TIE2 inhibitor rebastinib". What I didn't realize was at the last sentence of the abstract they said it "may improve clinical benefits" which means it isn't actually in treatment as of now. So you actually win because we can confirm they don't use that drug in the treatment, but if we go through medical trials of this drug then the problems with chemotherapy should halt, becoming a long term cure. But your right, as of now, chemotherapy is too flawed to use unless its a last resort

2019-06-24 04:04:13 UTC  

1910 – The Flexner Report
Oil tycoon JD Rockefeller all but controlled the pharmaceutical industry in the early 1900s, but he had to extinguish holistic medicine, naturopathy and homeopathy to ensure his monopoly. That’s why he had Andrew Flexner create the phony “Flexner Report” that declared there were too many physicians and medical schools. That’s when the American Medical Association (the most nefarious regulatory agency ever) became the only group authorized to grant medical school licenses. Hello chemical medicine, goodbye natural.

2019-06-24 04:04:20 UTC  


2019-06-24 04:05:44 UTC  

@Wretch post that in <#551100741918654464>

2019-06-24 04:06:26 UTC  
2019-06-24 04:06:32 UTC  


2019-06-24 09:55:29 UTC  

@Wretch we don't even know what really causes dementia (we are talking about Alzheimers Disease) and now you claim that it is the faoult of the pharma insutry

2019-06-24 09:56:15 UTC  

Homeopathy is pure pseudoscience

2019-06-24 09:56:25 UTC  

Naturopathy not

2019-06-24 09:56:37 UTC  

That is still teached in medical schools

2019-06-24 09:57:39 UTC  

Now, even homeopathy is teached a little bit to create awareness about it

2019-06-24 09:58:14 UTC  

The effect of homeopathy is only placebo effect

2019-06-24 11:28:59 UTC  

@ZeroT bull shat try that somewhere else. got any proofs of your claim or is it just your words????? ofc you got zero proofs of what you say

2019-06-24 11:29:30 UTC  

didnt even read the article did you hahaha

2019-06-24 11:29:58 UTC  

just read what i posted from it . you are dismissing it before looking at the evidence

2019-06-24 11:30:54 UTC  

aluminum, mercury etc are things that can cause it

2019-06-24 14:03:26 UTC  


2019-06-24 14:03:57 UTC  

I do know there is the hypothesis that heavy metals could be having an effect on alzheimers

2019-06-24 14:04:42 UTC  

@Wretch I wrote a scientific paper on alzheimers desease where I even talked to a patient to analyse the clinical symptoms

2019-06-24 14:04:55 UTC  

Now, there is the hypothesis

2019-06-24 14:05:27 UTC  

But, alluminium and mercury are not in vaccines as their pure heavy metal form

2019-06-24 14:05:33 UTC  

It is contained as salts

2019-06-24 14:06:15 UTC  

Plus mercury was taken out of vaccines some time ago, not because it had any visual negative effect, but because people didn't like to hear it was in there

2019-06-24 14:06:32 UTC  

Everything, even the most poisonous poison has a safe margin

2019-06-24 14:08:15 UTC  


2019-06-24 14:08:22 UTC  

I look a look on your source

2019-06-24 14:08:33 UTC  

But it is just awfully unscientific

2019-06-24 14:08:43 UTC  

It sources itself as a source

2019-06-24 14:08:57 UTC  

It does not provide sources for every individual claim

2019-06-24 14:09:08 UTC  

It uses unscientific sources as source

2019-06-24 14:10:29 UTC  

"2000 to Now – Toxic Chemical Medicine to treat Toxic Food Disorder
Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation treatments are pushed harder than ever for every third American who develops cancer cells from processed food, genetically modified vaccines, and carcinogenic prescription medications. Diabetes is in full swing thanks to HFCS and fast food meat. Dementia rates are higher than ever, killing humans right and left, as sodium fluoride in U.S. tap water, mercury in flu shots, and glyphosate sprayed on nearly all conventional (GMO) crops all take their toll on the human brain."#

2019-06-24 14:10:45 UTC  

Now, they hide some right things within the wrong claims

2019-06-24 14:10:59 UTC  

This is why it is so hard to distinguish what is right and what is wrong

2019-06-24 14:11:18 UTC  

It is true that processed meats, especially red meats can cause cancer

2019-06-24 14:11:35 UTC  

Because of the salts they use to make it last longer

2019-06-24 14:12:23 UTC  

Those salts, I don't know what salts it were exactly, lets the DNA in your cells of your intestinal system mutate

2019-06-24 14:12:50 UTC  

If this happens in a proto-onco-gene and a tumorsupressor gene it creates cancer

2019-06-24 14:13:22 UTC  

Now, Chemotherapy radiation therapy and surgery are our only thing to fight against cancer now

2019-06-24 14:13:48 UTC  

We do have very new and modern radiation therap methods, those are very expensive tho