Message from @Σπαρτιάτης
Discord ID: 586360366775271428
Can you survive if precipitation is 100?
Now ask yourself this
What happens if co2 rises 50% from current levels of .04% to .06%?
Give me the scientific answer that is backed up by the scientific method.
Nobody knows or cares what you’re talking about
>>ban 586121305984598041
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@586121305984598041>
The spots were just dirty lenses
@Citizen Z i cant tell if youre being serious
Nah, he's not.
You can see sunspots with the naked eye if you have those heavy-duty glasses.
no not about that, about that he wants more co2 lol
Yes im serious.
can i ask why? or will you ban/mute me for not agreeing with you?
Why would you want to get rid of co2? You dont like forests? You hate trees and want them to grow slow and be unhealthy? You want plants to be disease ridden and not be tolerant to droughts? You want more deserts? @Hirohito's chins
It just does something to the planet..
I think that every planet in our solar system contributed to life on planet earth.. It is hard to explain
just think about it tesla exchanged electrical currents with planets .. that means they were already there he just found the signal and joined
and for it to sustain life it needs balance .. as tesla said we should live with the nature not vs it , it has a deep meaning
Who is trying to lower co2 and kill trees?
How much should be lower co2 and how many trees should be wiped out?
You must know that everything we take out of earth is some sort of a Reserve energy for the Planet
We dont take anything out of earth
Drop in the bucket
If we don’t take anything out of the Earth, how does anything exist?
We should take as much as we need not for obesity and greed
we need to stop driving cars.... cuz global warming
ships, trains and trucks need to stop bringing food to our grocery stores... cuz global warming
it's okay
we can just stay home and grow brocolli
How about we just kill most of the population? No global warming problem now!
Thats one way of looking at it
muh earth!