Message from @Seeker of Truth

Discord ID: 586889407550849044

2019-06-07 21:54:25 UTC  

Oh boi

2019-06-08 04:43:09 UTC  

>>ban 586739864926421027 porn

2019-06-08 04:43:09 UTC  

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@586739864926421027>

2019-06-08 12:01:09 UTC  

Ww3 will be caused by Israel

2019-06-08 12:03:14 UTC  

Didn't we already have World War III?

2019-06-08 12:03:18 UTC  


2019-06-08 12:03:28 UTC  

and probably World War IV

2019-06-08 12:03:56 UTC  

How did we have ww3

2019-06-08 12:04:17 UTC  

Well either way the ‘next war’ will be caused by Israel

2019-06-08 12:04:47 UTC  

Don't the Zionists cause all the wars?

2019-06-08 12:04:52 UTC  

well many of them...

2019-06-08 12:05:19 UTC  


2019-06-08 12:05:41 UTC  

And America is becoming Israel’s slave without knowing

2019-06-08 12:05:45 UTC  

The UNITED STATES CORPORATION has been in a state of war for a very long time....

2019-06-08 12:07:04 UTC  

well, The U.S. State Dept. Middle Eastern division since [before] back in the 1990s has had nothing but pro-Israel posters etc. up on the walls

2019-06-08 12:07:53 UTC  

according to the 4-part illuminati wife tells all interviews at least

2019-06-08 12:08:02 UTC  

(Kaye Griggs)

2019-06-08 12:08:13 UTC  

I’m glad you mentioned the illuminati

2019-06-08 12:08:21 UTC  

Because Israel started that too

2019-06-08 12:08:36 UTC  

Do you know about the monument with the 10 commandments?

2019-06-08 12:08:58 UTC  

which one?

2019-06-08 12:09:23 UTC  

Type in google ‘monument with 10 commandments’

2019-06-08 12:09:44 UTC  

One of the commandments is to reduce the population to only 500,000,000

2019-06-08 12:10:02 UTC  

That’s impossible since the world has almost 8 billion

2019-06-08 12:10:20 UTC  

Unless there’s a nuclear war which will kill most of the population

2019-06-08 12:10:40 UTC  

you're referring to the Georgia Guidestones, I think

2019-06-08 12:10:57 UTC  

I think so I’m not american do I wouldn’t know

2019-06-08 12:11:03 UTC  


2019-06-08 12:11:17 UTC  

a Freemason had those built

2019-06-08 12:11:26 UTC  

I wouldn't worry about a nuke war

2019-06-08 12:11:41 UTC  

its all fear porn

2019-06-08 12:11:58 UTC  

there are so many lies and deceptions when it comes to things that are nuclear / radiation its not funny

2019-06-08 12:12:01 UTC  

Isn’t trump the one who has the button

2019-06-08 12:12:13 UTC  

and the Kim Jung un

2019-06-08 12:12:26 UTC  

Trump is the fake hero who is one of them...

2019-06-08 12:12:34 UTC  


2019-06-08 12:12:39 UTC  

I wouldn't bother with the trap of politics

2019-06-08 12:12:47 UTC  

But think about it, during ww1 who was in power

2019-06-08 12:12:52 UTC  

The british

2019-06-08 12:12:58 UTC  

/ false two party paradigm

2019-06-08 12:13:02 UTC  

In ww2 it was the Americans