Message from @RidleyChozo

Discord ID: 597645032706801667

2019-07-07 19:43:12 UTC  


2019-07-07 20:08:37 UTC  

no sunset and sunrise do not need the 4th dimension because 4th is spacetime and a sunset and sunrise only need the 3rd dimension

2019-07-07 21:06:10 UTC  

Since you believe in a globe earth. Sure. I do not because all I see is flatness. I understand light bending is just a lie as sold around the earth. Impossible for it to do it that way. Physics is simply ignored when they sell that lie.

2019-07-07 21:08:59 UTC  

It is like this video. They could say the After Death Experience proves there is a God or Creator. Instead they say a star gate because of their belief. Everyone does this. They use their beliefs when they examine things. Natural. However we really should try to avoid that if we want to know real honest truth.

2019-07-07 21:11:40 UTC  

Why I call myself "Other Religion" and "Simulation" and "Simulation Earther". I make no claim to know how it all works. I call myself "Flat Earther" because that is all I ever see. I have seen not a single proof of a Globe.

2019-07-07 22:45:40 UTC  

Do you believe in an ice wall

2019-07-07 23:38:15 UTC  

Do you believe in black holes

2019-07-07 23:38:30 UTC  
2019-07-07 23:38:57 UTC

2019-07-08 00:31:08 UTC  


2019-07-08 00:56:24 UTC  

how do people hang upside down off globe

2019-07-08 04:23:31 UTC  

"Republicans have called out the FBI for relying on an unverified dossier compiled, and possibly fabricated, by a former UK spy on behalf of the Clinton campaign. "

2019-07-08 04:24:31 UTC  

Most illegal way to try to win an election. Fabricate a fake report and then have your FBI do the dirty illegal work. Glad it failed.

2019-07-08 04:25:12 UTC  

There absolutely was Russia collusion. Hillary paid Russians for this report. Hillary deserves prison for the rest of her life.

2019-07-08 04:27:10 UTC  

Obama was also complicit that is almost a given. Hillary illegally deleted emails some were found in the Obama wing of the White House. Obama knew from the start Hillary was illegally storing her emails on a private server. Hillary was so corrupt she did not even have a Government email address.

2019-07-08 04:27:46 UTC

2019-07-08 04:27:58 UTC

2019-07-08 04:27:58 UTC

2019-07-08 04:27:58 UTC

2019-07-08 04:27:59 UTC

2019-07-08 04:28:29 UTC

2019-07-08 09:57:59 UTC  

I've seen the ice wall

2019-07-08 16:52:56 UTC  

You know the curve it the horizon

2019-07-08 17:02:30 UTC  

I can see the curve.

2019-07-08 19:26:44 UTC  

My eyes have seen the glory of the Government and School. Oh how I love to fit in to the School and Government. I love to conform as they taught me to do. Oh how I love their propaganda.

2019-07-08 19:27:49 UTC  


2019-07-08 19:28:29 UTC  

People seeing the unseen. Typical Cognitive Dissonance.

2019-07-08 19:29:01 UTC  

I know there must be a curve. Oh I see it. Not really your mind is just conforming to the lies you were sold as truth.

2019-07-08 19:29:43 UTC (real evidence) ((it says round earth to fool the idiots))

2019-07-08 19:30:07 UTC  

Nothing real about Wackypedia.

2019-07-08 19:31:32 UTC  

Some of these are fairly fun and amusing to read. How much they have changed the lies and deceptions over my 66 years of life.

2019-07-08 19:32:28 UTC  

Some of this is like I love to play basketball so my house is a ball.

2019-07-08 19:33:52 UTC  

but ACTUAL scientists have ACTUAL prove, what’s your prove (provide link)

2019-07-08 19:34:00 UTC  


2019-07-08 19:34:29 UTC  

Compare these two deceptions:
"Many pictures have been taken of the entire Earth by satellites launched by a variety of governments and private organizations."

"Astronauts in low Earth orbit can personally see the curvature of the planet, and travel all the way around several times a day."

So the pictures are CGI not actual pictures and low earth orbit is the highest they really get.

2019-07-08 19:35:49 UTC  

The correct name for that is Blimps and Balloons. Although a Rocket might get you there for a very short time. Perhaps. Not sure the ones they launch could safely lift a person.

2019-07-08 19:36:04 UTC  

The X15 was somewhat safe.

2019-07-08 19:36:20 UTC  

@Steve Angell prove that no one has gone above a low earth orbit

2019-07-08 19:36:56 UTC  

Funny article. There is actual proof that is a picture of a drawing on their window.