Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 600322272669990922

2019-07-15 13:39:42 UTC  

@2ᴅ ʟᴏʟɪ ᴡᴀɪꜰᴜ (、. ̫ . )、 like at the theater, the projector is above the audience, behind them

2019-07-15 13:40:19 UTC  

@2ᴅ ʟᴏʟɪ ᴡᴀɪꜰᴜ (、. ̫ . )、 so if there’s a dome or screen or something, and something is projected on it, the source of the projection would have to be on the same side as the person looking at it

Yes it would

2019-07-15 13:40:42 UTC  

Which means it would have to be projected from earth, or from something between earth and the sky

2019-07-15 13:41:14 UTC  

Now, a reason that the projector is behind the audience is that things that cast a projection have to be way brighter than the projection itself

Yes that's where the satellites come in

2019-07-15 13:41:36 UTC  

No, a satellite would be on the other side of the sky, out in space

2019-07-15 13:41:58 UTC  

So a satellite can’t make the projection, it would have to be something on earth

2019-07-15 13:42:25 UTC  

So you’d need some object on earth, that is way way brighter than the sun

2019-07-15 13:42:51 UTC  

Right? Do you follow?


2019-07-15 13:43:29 UTC  

Ok, so if you had that projector, this big really bright projector, that is projecting the sun on the skydome

2019-07-15 13:43:43 UTC  

As the projection moved it would change in size

2019-07-15 13:44:09 UTC  

It would be smallest at noon, at the shortest distance between the projector and the projection

2019-07-15 13:44:18 UTC  

And it would be the biggest at sunset and sunrise

2019-07-15 13:44:28 UTC  

Which is the opposite of how it is in reality

2019-07-15 13:45:08 UTC  

You could artificially change the size of the sun from the projector of course, but then it would look wrong to people right under the projection

2019-07-15 13:45:37 UTC  

So if sunset looks right to one person, then it will look all wrong to someone who’s supposed to be seeing noon

2019-07-15 13:46:23 UTC  

So this projected sun idea doesn’t really make sense, you see?

It does make sense to me cause you can still see a hologram at all of its dimensions there's probably more technology that they are using to fool us

2019-07-15 13:48:42 UTC  


2019-07-15 13:48:45 UTC  


The government

2019-07-15 13:50:19 UTC  

So first of all, holograms still don’t change in size based on perspective

2019-07-15 13:50:31 UTC  

But ok, which government?

2019-07-15 13:50:56 UTC  


They do change size the way you position it

Cause it still requires a projection

2019-07-15 13:51:35 UTC  

No it doesn’t, but it’s not important, you’re saying there’s technology beyond our understanding at play, so I can’t argue against what I can’t understand

2019-07-15 13:51:43 UTC  

No, you are wrong.

2019-07-15 13:52:03 UTC  

But which government?


2019-07-15 13:53:32 UTC  

Ok, so the sun did not exist before America?

Probably not

2019-07-15 13:54:04 UTC  


2019-07-15 13:54:09 UTC  

Ok so um

2019-07-15 13:54:34 UTC  

How did people grow food prior to the 18th century

They just did

2019-07-15 13:55:48 UTC