Message from @Goy Goddess
Discord ID: 577190660826857483
Someone named California Nightmare said it was 2 days ago
Oh right
That's quite odd maybe they were joking
Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a HollyWAND basement.....RHCP
Yeah, i know that song
Truth in lyrics
What about fireflies
Yup right in your face when you innerstand things
and Fool on the hill .. more songs
'the fool on the hill, sees the sun going down, and the eyes in his head, see the world spinning round'.
the sun doesn't go down, it just goes farther away.. and we all know about the spinning
sky LINE air PLANE sea LEVEL...... words right there telling us
Yeah, Plane!..
Aeroplane i mean come one
Why isn't it called an Aeroplanet?
The SUN AND MOON move through the sky......
But but ...c'mon goys.....I wanna go to Mars.....wah.......
I like like the sci-fi lies
I actually think science fiction is used for predictive programming of scientism
I think what made so many sci-fi’s enticing and alluring, is because so many people genuinely believed it. I predict because of fe, sci-fi’s are going to lose a lot of that.
what level must be reached to get rid of the new member role?
Every day we lit
@Magical Sheep not a level just genuine participation and asking to be verified
oh, how does one become verified?
Asking to be
Yeah well it's all part of cementing the foundations in. Scifi i've noticed has been doing that since the 50's but 2001 space odyssey is something else
oh sure uh
can I be verified?
what do I need to do?
@Magical Sheep I see you have no interest roles on your account
You should add some
Barry soetoro
@cocobanana the one thing I am which I think I hold in common is a deep distaste for government surveillance or intelligence activities on US residents
Do they really do that though?
yeah, it's slowed down since the freedom act was passed in the US in 2015