Message from @Ætos
Discord ID: 577599691940823053
hoes mad
Who to choose
hoes mad
I know, Mitch throws his alt in with Temp Control on occasion
Jeremy has it
Smh goth magnet
I'm allowed to choose a few new people for that role
whats goth magnet
Long story don't feel like saying it
what do i have ?
summarize it
@cocobanana Want to become a TC?
dude i got at&t
thanks idk what im supposed to do with it though
whats with all the new roles
O wait nvm
It doesn’t do much
Only people with the trusted role can have it
It lets you voice mute
im confused 😖
@Initial P. u happy now
And use global emotes
I was actually gonna give it to you
coco got blue ballsed
more time gets wasted on nonsense here when we could be talking about the iss cam
wait my role changed again
Yeah pretty much
jeremy is tc now