Message from @Seeker of Truth

Discord ID: 580064137304866848

2019-05-20 16:03:00 UTC  
2019-05-20 16:03:33 UTC  

The bubbles change direction. I’ve had people tell me that’s from the camera moving or a lens effect

2019-05-20 16:04:13 UTC  

And consider the size of the reel, the distance, the fact that slowing it down wouldn't be smooth, the risk of messing up a single frame, the impossible cover-up, etc

2019-05-20 16:04:27 UTC  

the guidelines say no spoilers

2019-05-20 16:04:34 UTC  

Ah, sorry

2019-05-20 16:04:45 UTC  


2019-05-20 16:05:19 UTC  

Ur saying the moon landing was real ?

2019-05-20 16:05:30 UTC  


2019-05-20 16:05:41 UTC  

Also, wires wouldn't match the motion

2019-05-20 16:06:00 UTC  

And u have looked into it thoroughly?

2019-05-20 16:06:13 UTC  

By comparsion yes

2019-05-20 16:06:19 UTC  

They would if the video speed was changed

2019-05-20 16:06:37 UTC  

Not really...and here's the thing

2019-05-20 16:06:42 UTC  

Not just because of physics

2019-05-20 16:07:12 UTC  

But because slowing down the tape would ruin the framerate, and would be almost impossible

2019-05-20 16:07:17 UTC

2019-05-20 16:07:26 UTC  


2019-05-20 16:07:37 UTC  

I mean, I'm not screaming

2019-05-20 16:07:47 UTC  

time to catch up on reality

2019-05-20 16:07:52 UTC  

governments lie to people

2019-05-20 16:07:56 UTC  

And I'm just speaking from my knowledge as a film student

2019-05-20 16:07:56 UTC  

Im back, but memes wouldnt explain nothing lol

2019-05-20 16:08:07 UTC  

Yes, I agree

2019-05-20 16:08:12 UTC  

Governemt lies a lot

2019-05-20 16:08:27 UTC  

However, all the evidence points towards a direction

2019-05-20 16:08:37 UTC  

if you are unable to think or reason for yourself, I could see how you might not be able to understand a truthful, informative "meme"

2019-05-20 16:08:48 UTC  

If you're a film student you would understand lighting. So go look at the lighting of apollo landings

2019-05-20 16:09:06 UTC  

Easy to figure out

2019-05-20 16:09:14 UTC  

At least from a filmaking perspective, and the technology we had in that time

2019-05-20 16:09:18 UTC  

It would be impossible

2019-05-20 16:09:41 UTC  

To fake

2019-05-20 16:09:47 UTC  

the only reason that video was released is because there were a lot of film makers that were saying Apollo was obviously faked

2019-05-20 16:10:30 UTC  

If earth is flat, how can I go to china from est and west?

2019-05-20 16:10:39 UTC

2019-05-20 16:10:58 UTC

2019-05-20 16:11:25 UTC  

just because you can drive around your neighborhood in a circle, does not mean your neighborhood is a ball

2019-05-20 16:11:47 UTC  

That are 2 different things

2019-05-20 16:11:58 UTC  

If you zoom enough into a basketball, it would appear flat to the naked eye

2019-05-20 16:12:05 UTC  

However, that doesn't mean it's flat