Message from @Iamawesom
Discord ID: 299020813779075082
If I do become a refugee, I'm going to have to lurk another few months or more before I start posting again. Need to get a feel of the culture before I start participating.
Don't want to be like the redditors who shat up 4chan
>the current state of /pol/
yeah I noticed 8chan has a distinctive feel to it, but I can't tell what
I feel there is less of a foundation on anime like 4chan
And its less of an anarchy politically and much more focused on rightwing politics.
Atleast pol
more serious, less shitposting
And no shills
I noticed how many shills there were after returning from /mlpol/
CTR was pretty fucking bad
/play makuramoto ni ghost
Added Aiobahn & Yunomi - Makuramoto ni Ghost (feat. Nicamoq) to the queue. I IDENTIFY SEXUALLY AS AN ANARCHIST