Message from @Soldz (CF)

Discord ID: 583331476129579082

2019-05-29 16:28:45 UTC  

tag me when u can

2019-05-29 16:28:50 UTC  

They have already been debunked
The moon doesn’t prove anything and Ships don’t go over a curve

And shadows work on a flat earth

2019-05-29 16:29:12 UTC  

After returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noted, “There are stars seen in Egypt and…Cyprus which are not seen in the northerly regions.” This phenomenon can only be explained if humans were viewing the stars from a round surface, Aristotle continued, claiming that the sphere of the Earth is “of no great size, for otherwise the effect of so slight a change of place would not be quickly apparent.” (De caelo, 298a2-10)
The farther you go from the equator, the farther the "known" constellations go towards the horizon, to be replaced by different stars. This would not have happened if the world was flat:

2019-05-29 16:29:25 UTC  

They have already been debunked
The moon doesn’t prove anything and Ships don’t go over a curve

And shadows work on a flat earth

2019-05-29 16:29:35 UTC

2019-05-29 16:29:37 UTC  

@jeremy well, we can. When an asteroid orbits near the Earth and enters the atmosphere for a period of time then bounces right back into the deep unknown, wouldn't it hit the container? But we see that it doesn't hit a container.

2019-05-29 16:29:37 UTC  

Standing on a flat plateau, you look ahead toward the horizon. You strain your eyes, then take out your favorite binoculars and stare through them, as far as your eyes (with the help of the binocular lenses) can see.
Next, climb up the closest tree—the higher the better, just be careful not to drop those binoculars and break their lenses. Then look again, strain your eyes, and stare through the binoculars out to the horizon.
The higher up you climb, the farther you will see. Usually, we tend to relate this to Earthly obstacles—like the fact we have houses or other trees obstructing our vision on the ground, and climbing upwards we have a clear view—but that’s not the true reason. Even if you stood on a completely clear plateau with no obstacles between you and the horizon, you would see much farther from the greater height than you would on the ground.
This phenomenon is caused by the curvature of the Earth as well, and would not happen if the Earth was flat:

2019-05-29 16:29:41 UTC

2019-05-29 16:29:47 UTC  

are the stars in your imaginary sky vacuum u believe in ?

2019-05-29 16:29:47 UTC  

@DeltaA350 no copy pasta

2019-05-29 16:29:57 UTC  

Use your own arguments @DeltaA350

2019-05-29 16:30:06 UTC  

lol those are my arguments

2019-05-29 16:30:11 UTC  

@Pence It literally is an illogical fallacy and it is why most people shouldn't bother bringing it up because you saying "Hey look in the sky! Look at those objects that are sphere shaped! We must be a sphere as well!" And that isn't how it is both measured and actually framed as we know about the earth's actual shape through many ways

2019-05-29 16:30:20 UTC  

you want me to come up with some genius argument that isn't on the internet already?

2019-05-29 16:30:22 UTC  

Research the longest distance picture guys:
440km away, taken from 2820 meters high.
The mountain should be hidden 5 km below the curve...... it's flat Do the math

2019-05-29 16:30:37 UTC  

so are u saying the second law of thermodynamics is wrong ?

2019-05-29 16:30:39 UTC  

@Soldz (CF) it is called a logical fallacy. If you don't know the correct phrase, I believe it is safe to assume that you don't know what a logical fallacy is.

2019-05-29 16:30:47 UTC  

@California Nightmare why do the masts of ships appear first?

2019-05-29 16:30:49 UTC  

So a bs article written by someone that doesn’t know how Perspective works or how science works is your argument? @DeltaA350

2019-05-29 16:31:01 UTC  

Perspective and angular resolution

2019-05-29 16:31:01 UTC

2019-05-29 16:31:13 UTC  

and if you look at Chicago from across lake Michigan, you realize that you can't see Chicago's ground level?

2019-05-29 16:31:16 UTC  

@Soldz (CF) not an argument, just memeing your way through this with speculation.

2019-05-29 16:31:22 UTC  

You can @DeltaA350

2019-05-29 16:31:22 UTC  

and if you are higher up, you see further b/c earth is a globe?

2019-05-29 16:31:28 UTC  

no u can't there are photos

2019-05-29 16:31:33 UTC  

ur closer to the ground so the bottom of objects in the distance will disappear first since we cant see forever

2019-05-29 16:31:34 UTC  

unfortunately I can't put them here

2019-05-29 16:31:54 UTC

2019-05-29 16:31:57 UTC  

no if youre higher up u changed ur perspective and now have a better angular resolution for objects on the ground

2019-05-29 16:32:00 UTC  

So, if the Earth is flat, why can't I see Europe from across the ocean?

2019-05-29 16:32:13 UTC  

u cant see forever

2019-05-29 16:32:20 UTC  


2019-05-29 16:32:23 UTC  

how is tht wrong ?

2019-05-29 16:32:26 UTC  

@jeremy well, if something is flat, you can see it

2019-05-29 16:32:52 UTC  

are we not using our eyes to see ?

2019-05-29 16:32:59 UTC  

We are....

2019-05-29 16:33:05 UTC  


2019-05-29 16:33:14 UTC  

I use my ears to see

2019-05-29 16:33:17 UTC  

Our distance of vision on changes on biological things.

2019-05-29 16:33:19 UTC  
