Message from @Brian (Fourth Amendment)
Discord ID: 588977526576119808
Devil Dog?
Good boi
He is a good boi that one
Holy Shit 😆
Devil Dog sprang to my mind immediately nomad
That works, too 😆
I don’t see anything wrong with scruffles. 😊
That dog is terrifying looking
I wish I had a better name, but I'm stumped.
Stumpy 😃
If he were my pet, I would tell him he’s a good boy.
Lol Gwench
Devil dog lmao
Yo negus
Give me picture permission please
I’m a flat earthed
When I was 15. I spent months at a gangsters house who had several pit bulls. They were ferocious to outsiders. And absolutely tender to people they became acquaintances with.
Another reason besides the price to stop me from buying that coffee
Thanks Neo
okay cool
AMEN, Thats why i dont give them my businesss
Everything is connected to the mystery schools
I’ve never been to Starbucks.
Those in power are occultists
Don’t see a reason to.
We all worship or give energy to some deity without noticing
@Durpyturttle Nice Flat Earth bar
right nomad?