Message from @eletrick33
Discord ID: 592132488432844847
Im in cali wtf is rain
i used to live there then we moved to colorado
Oh sik
its cheaper here so im not complaining to much
its just the weather is kinda eh
I see you
and we dont have an AC
Seeing curve
oh what
Idk why I joined this discord
God brought you here
god screwed up
I aint supposed to be here
perhaps you might actually be-at least subconsciously-questioning what you believe?
yeah this place is weird at times
No I know what I belive
I've never seen a Globe Earther with more than like 10 roles. Step it up Globies
look at my roles
I mean <#564645027817717760>
so ur a globie
i am at least
okay gud
oh phew - never thought you'd find one of those, did you
no I never thought id find this
allll dah globes
I belive in the round globeeee
(physics wouldnt work if it was flat)
yet they do
As somone studing physics and astronomy
I can say
a lot
but the thing is people here dont really care about physics