Message from @Human Sheeple

Discord ID: 593717026275590174

2019-06-27 08:15:42 UTC  

Considering dumbing people down, making them infertile, kidnapping children, killing them, making them anti social is now a 25 billion dollar per year industry, it's no wonder people like you are being paid to try to cover up the damage they are doing.

2019-06-27 08:15:59 UTC  

first off im not being paid

2019-06-27 08:16:15 UTC  

@Cyka's Cyuan Well when there's no money in curing people, a lot is wrong, you're lying to people saying hte vaccines will preventatively cure you of a disease when they won't cure you of jack shit but instead give you a whole host of health problems.

2019-06-27 08:16:23 UTC  

@Cyka's Cyuan May I see your bank statements please?

2019-06-27 08:16:27 UTC  

They dont cure they prevent

2019-06-27 08:16:31 UTC  

and i dont have a bank account

2019-06-27 08:16:34 UTC  


2019-06-27 08:16:38 UTC  

im fuckin g thirteen

2019-06-27 08:16:40 UTC  


2019-06-27 08:16:54 UTC  

the earth is flat fam

2019-06-27 08:17:01 UTC  

@Cyka's Cyuan May I see your birth certificate please?

2019-06-27 08:17:08 UTC  


2019-06-27 08:17:15 UTC  

i dont carry that with me considering its 1:17 am

2019-06-27 08:17:52 UTC  

You're allowed to redact self incriminating information, just the last two years of your date of birth will suffice

2019-06-27 08:18:15 UTC  

i dont carry it with me

2019-06-27 08:18:21 UTC  

So where is it then?

2019-06-27 08:18:39 UTC  

im thirteen and its probaly in a file in my house and im not in my house right now christ

2019-06-27 08:18:54 UTC  

So what the hell is a 13 year old doing outside of their house at 1:17 am in the morning?

2019-06-27 08:19:14 UTC  

im in another house since its summer

2019-06-27 08:19:17 UTC  


2019-06-27 08:19:29 UTC  

Do your parents know you are there?

2019-06-27 08:19:34 UTC  


2019-06-27 08:19:37 UTC  

were on a vaction

2019-06-27 08:20:03 UTC  

So why are you not out on an adventure instead you are indoors on a phone/computer trying to push "take your shots goy" ?

2019-06-27 08:20:19 UTC  

i dont know maybe cause its 1:20 am?

2019-06-27 08:20:44 UTC  

also why aren't you doing something worth while working instead your pushing "dont take your shots goys"

2019-06-27 08:20:58 UTC  

So why don't you get some sleep instead of pushing Big Pharma propaganda that makes the rich richer, the poor poorer and is contributing to white genocide?

2019-06-27 08:21:24 UTC  

why aren't you getting sleep and stop pushing anti-big pharma propaganda

2019-06-27 08:21:34 UTC  

your agurement doesen't make sense senor

2019-06-27 08:21:52 UTC  

Because I'm trying to save mankind from irrepairable brain damage, infertility, death, paralysis and wake people up to the propaganda and lies of Jewish institutitons with one agenda, keep the sheep in the middle of the pen and kick us when we're down.

2019-06-27 08:22:15 UTC  

what by raving in a discord server to people who already have the same views?

2019-06-27 08:22:19 UTC  

you aren't doing anything

2019-06-27 08:22:33 UTC  

You don't have the same views and I demanded you be released from the ice box so we could have this discussion

2019-06-27 08:23:45 UTC  

first off thank you for relasing me

2019-06-27 08:24:21 UTC  

second off i've done my own research and i've been vaccinted which has protected me from diseases

2019-06-27 08:25:59 UTC  

also also humanity might not exist cause of global warming so you got that to look foward to

2019-06-27 08:27:53 UTC  

Vaccines are all good

2019-06-27 08:30:21 UTC  

the earth is round

2019-06-27 08:30:35 UTC  

(also @Human Sheeple if your looking for a good vaction spot cape may new jersy is awesome its where im staying)

2019-06-27 08:31:59 UTC  

is this a shitposting server

2019-06-27 08:32:50 UTC  

Earth cannot be round