Message from @rightthehand
Discord ID: 594867755765858324
its a wave and partical and massless energy beam
Alright let's hear your theory for double slit
and it thinks
light has a brain
The earthy rlly do be earth shaped.
and it kows when its being watched
falsify that
youc ant
well that would explain the uncertainty principle and would also explain quantum tunelling
cause all we are doing is looking at splotches and making stuff up
"sentience of light"
this is why qua nuntm is bullshit liek soul lure system
How bright is the sun?
Just curious
they look at the sky and make assumtions
your looking at splotches and mkaing assumtions
and youve never even done the expeirment
I have done double slit actually
its just another con like the soul lure system
I own a laser
is a laser sun light?
No with 445nm blue laser
is a laser sun light?
no it isn't
your checkmated here
ok so you must ASSUME sunlight behaves like your light
annnnnnd not asceiince
So all light acts differently
Sounds wack
so dont tell me how the sun acts by testing a candle
i dont get fooled
Well sunlight consists of a lot of different photons of different magnetic sizes or waves of different frequencies
no you assume it does
based on laser expoermiets
lasers emmit an extraordinary light of a very narrow band of frequncies
thats great
but they arent the sun