Message from @Seeker of Truth

Discord ID: 595135458103525386

2019-07-01 06:01:07 UTC  

assassin getting assassinated

2019-07-01 06:01:33 UTC  

"Conspiracy" is a code word to discredit anyone who is talking about anything the Government does not want discussed.

2019-07-01 06:01:47 UTC  

conspiracies are fun

2019-07-01 06:03:48 UTC  

Lol. Too long to post all at once

2019-07-01 06:04:27 UTC  

1.)Different constellations are visible from different latitudes. Probably the two most striking examples are the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross. The Big Dipper, a set of seven stars that looks like a ladle, is always visible at latitudes of 41 degrees North or higher. Below 25 degrees South, you can't see it at all. And in northern Australia, just north of that latitude, the Big Dipper just barely squeaks above the horizon.

Meanwhile, in the Southern Hemisphere, there's the Southern Cross, a bright four-star arrangement. That constellation isn't visible until you travel as far south as the Florida Keys in the Northern Hemisphere.

2.) Solar eclipses

3.) If the Earth was flat, you'd be able to see the same distance no matter your elevation. Think about it: Your eye can detect a bright object, like the Andromeda galaxy, from 2.6 million light-years away. Seeing the lights of, say, Miami from New York City (a distance of a mere 1,094 miles or 1,760 kilometers) on a clear evening should be child's play.

But it's not. That's because the curvature of the Earth limits our sight to about 3.1 miles (5 kilometers) … unless you climb up a tall tree, building or mountain and get yourself a perspective from higher up.

2019-07-01 06:04:33 UTC  

4.) The Earth's curve becomes subtly visible at an altitude of around 35,000 feet, as long as the observer has at least a 60 degree field of view (which may be difficult from a passenger plane window). The curvature becomes more readily apparent above 50,000 feet; passengers on the now-grounded supersonic Concorde jet were often treated to a view of the curved horizon while flying at 60,000 feet. (So no, you won't always see curvature on a plane. Go fly on a jet and you will and it'll be obvious)

5.) In January 2017, University of Leicester students strapped some cameras to a weather balloon and sent it skyward. The balloon rose 77,429 feet (23.6 kilometers) above the surface, well above the level needed to view the planet's curves. The instrument aboard the balloon sent back stunning footage that shows the curve of the horizon.

As long as your balloon has a payload of less than four pounds, there are hardly any restrictions on launching it. Just call the Federal Aviation Administration ahead of time to make sure you're not headed into restricted airspace. (These were students, not "lying NASA scientists.")

6.) Other planets are spherical. Why is Earth the anomaly?

7.) Time zones. (The "spotlight sun" doesn't work. We can see the sun from Neptune but not on half of the Earth?)

2019-07-01 06:06:43 UTC  


2019-07-01 06:07:00 UTC

2019-07-01 06:07:03 UTC  

Clear, concise, and unambiguous Seeker.

2019-07-01 06:07:07 UTC  


2019-07-01 06:07:44 UTC

2019-07-01 06:08:37 UTC  

a flat earther said we have never seen a black hole in Discord chat
next week NASA releases more CGI garbage this time of a black hole 🤣

2019-07-01 06:10:09 UTC

2019-07-01 06:11:07 UTC

2019-07-01 06:12:16 UTC  

@Seeker of Truth the black hole image was part of an international project.

Not NASA lmao😐

2019-07-01 06:13:45 UTC

2019-07-01 06:14:08 UTC  

international project indeed

2019-07-01 06:14:51 UTC  

yes, believe it or not there are secret societies across multiple nations and guess what? they work together to lie and deceive you

2019-07-01 06:15:38 UTC  

That's quite a bold claim.
A cover up of millions of people.

2019-07-01 06:15:50 UTC  

time to stop falling for fake science fiction fantasies and start questioning everything

2019-07-01 06:16:36 UTC  

heard all this crap before

2019-07-01 06:16:56 UTC  

trolls and shills say the same stupid crap everyday

2019-07-01 06:17:04 UTC  

nothing new

2019-07-01 06:17:11 UTC  

@Seeker of Truth wow seeker

2019-07-01 06:17:20 UTC  

I'm questioning how a cover up involving millions of people is possible without anyone blabbing

2019-07-01 06:19:02 UTC  

need to know
security clearances
lies built up upon other lies
for hundreds of years
you don't know anything
besides the lies you were indoctrinated with
in government-financed schools
the government gets what they pay for

2019-07-01 06:19:22 UTC  

nothing in this world works the way you think it does

2019-07-01 06:19:41 UTC  

you are a slave

2019-07-01 06:19:50 UTC  

because of your ignorance

2019-07-01 06:20:06 UTC  

and all the lies which you were told and that you beLIEved

2019-07-01 06:20:20 UTC  

a globe in every classroom

2019-07-01 06:20:40 UTC  

reinforced by your stupid brainwashed parents

2019-07-01 06:20:50 UTC  

and popular entertainments / media

2019-07-01 06:21:01 UTC  

Hollywood magick

2019-07-01 06:21:06 UTC  

preach it seeker

2019-07-01 06:21:34 UTC  

not going to waste too much time

2019-07-01 06:22:31 UTC  

I'm actually in the south where a lot of dumb (often Flat Earther) Christian fundamentalists live.

2019-07-01 06:22:52 UTC  

My dad almost fell for the flat earth conspiracy in all honesty

2019-07-01 06:22:53 UTC  

Why are they "Dumb"? because they believe in God?

2019-07-01 06:22:55 UTC  

in the south...