Message from @mineyful

Discord ID: 595479023631597571

2019-07-02 04:58:41 UTC  

@mineyful nobody is fear mongering
Sounds like you are making up excuses to not read the Bible

2019-07-02 04:58:44 UTC  

Indoctrination is "the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically" which is happening right now

2019-07-02 04:58:49 UTC  

I'm reading the bible right now

2019-07-02 04:58:52 UTC  

It's the first one on the list

2019-07-02 04:59:01 UTC  

Sure you are

2019-07-02 04:59:03 UTC  

I need to critically assess all religions I have before I decide on which one is best

2019-07-02 04:59:29 UTC  

If you say so otherwise you're falling into the same trap as satanism

2019-07-02 04:59:33 UTC  

i'm just going by the definiton of indoctrination

2019-07-02 04:59:34 UTC  

I know what the quran says. Fight the non believers, if they do not pay the jizya kill them. Drink camel urine if you are sick, allah is the greatest of all decievers, you must kill dogs etc.

2019-07-02 04:59:49 UTC  

I'd rather have my own interpretation

2019-07-02 04:59:53 UTC  

@Bibleman post suras

2019-07-02 05:00:04 UTC  

@mineyful it’s not a interpretation

2019-07-02 05:00:10 UTC  

praise Allah, I am
bomb this place up, I shall

2019-07-02 05:00:11 UTC  

Watch islamicize me by acts17apologetics

2019-07-02 05:00:17 UTC  

You may interpret the quran as something else than I will

2019-07-02 05:00:31 UTC  

Quran 5:51
O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

2019-07-02 05:00:34 UTC  

Take that quran and bury it

2019-07-02 05:00:38 UTC  

All religious texts are somewhat outdated in their terminology and sayings

2019-07-02 05:00:42 UTC  


2019-07-02 05:00:55 UTC  

There are going to be misinterpretations and fallacies littered in them

2019-07-02 05:01:02 UTC  

that's why I need my own copies and my own study

2019-07-02 05:01:04 UTC  


2019-07-02 05:01:06 UTC  


2019-07-02 05:01:07 UTC  

This is not a interpretation

Quran 9:29
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

2019-07-02 05:01:17 UTC  

I shouldn't have to be convinced by others with saying i've never seen before to join a religion

2019-07-02 05:01:43 UTC  

I get being skeptical, but Islam is pure evil

2019-07-02 05:01:49 UTC  

what no

2019-07-02 05:01:52 UTC  

Alright you bring up a good point there, but I still don't think it's *pure* evil

2019-07-02 05:01:59 UTC  

the bible still has some evil bits in it

2019-07-02 05:02:05 UTC  

sure it may be strangely justified,

2019-07-02 05:02:09 UTC  

but it's interesting nonetheless

2019-07-02 05:02:49 UTC  

Bible does not promote evil

2019-07-02 05:02:59 UTC  

No religion should promote evil

2019-07-02 05:03:00 UTC  

God not real

2019-07-02 05:03:01 UTC  

The quran's pretty wild

2019-07-02 05:03:03 UTC  

The Bible promotes nothing but good

2019-07-02 05:03:11 UTC  

All religious texts I have have wild stories that I need to sift through

2019-07-02 05:03:18 UTC  

The other books spout evil

2019-07-02 05:03:39 UTC  

the mythologies which have now become obsolete may be what modern religions may become in the future

2019-07-02 05:03:46 UTC  

ok listen fellas, we can all agree that the bible promotes "good", all religions promote good, but it's what they believe is good, we can all agree on that

2019-07-02 05:03:51 UTC  

they used to be serious religions and were followed as serious folklore