Message from @mineyful
Discord ID: 596463555776348178
I don’t get it
The Moon is like a movie screen. We see what is projected from it. So how it all works.
Ohh ok
where's the projection from
the sun
we should also see the projection then
From further up in the Firment.
Then shouldn’t the moon be tilted or something
if it's real that's a huge projector
it should get power from somewhere
Because u said moon flat
the moon is't on a tilt (i don't think)
yes, the moon produces it's own lightsource which slowly changes and causes the phases
Ok which is it
why would it change if it produced its own lightsource
There’s been like 3 theories here
the moon orbits the Earth faster than the earth rbits the sun so you will have different phases of moon
Nine pictures of the Moon. Taken at the same time. The Moon is all over the place. The creators not in the same place in even two of the nine pictures.
@Steve Angell Here's a quick simulation I did up in After Effects
This was a round earth to prove the distance to the moon. It instead proved the moon is something other than a ball.
remember the military uses maybe 5x the money NASA uses
i meant the lightsource is changing position over time and lights up different parts of the moon at different times
so u blame it on NASA
even worse
NASA 0.5% budget
NASA only gets 1/2 of a cent compared to the whole of Americas yearly budget
Look at the even lighting on a half moon.
so it's not NASAs fault
steve we went over phases a few days ago remember
Moon emits cold light
That is still a huge amount of money for a movie studio.
cold light doesn't exist
it's just warm light but.... not as warm lmao
or just light rather
Why are objects in the moon light colder then objects in the shade @Happygrandad
it's still heat