Message from @ivo

Discord ID: 602223501222608917

2019-07-20 19:35:20 UTC  

@California Nightmare hmm maybe people should not be walking with closed eyes cause i saw him face to face fully aware, people who did know it

2019-07-20 19:35:49 UTC  

where the hell do you think he would not show who he is ? who ever told you that bs

2019-07-20 19:36:19 UTC  

cause really i did walk that path and i did have that deal offered, i know and knew at that time what was going on

2019-07-20 19:36:24 UTC  

Satan presents himself as different gods
Like Saturn to pan
Satan has many different names throughout different cultures

2019-07-20 19:36:33 UTC  

no he does not,

2019-07-20 19:36:38 UTC  

Yes he does

2019-07-20 19:36:48 UTC  

In theosophy Satan is known as “Sanat Kumura”

2019-07-20 19:36:59 UTC  

you have many names, but the energy is the same, names are just human stupidities

2019-07-20 19:37:14 UTC  


2019-07-20 19:37:55 UTC  

<@602112131445293058> stop trolling

2019-07-20 19:38:06 UTC  

Lmao nice fail

2019-07-20 19:38:07 UTC  

@Seeker of Truth he wants to join the ice box

2019-07-20 19:38:21 UTC  

Wanna give him a hand? @Seeker of Truth

2019-07-20 19:38:34 UTC  

if you call upon lucifer / satan / the devil or what ever/ you get to the same point where i was, and many have been, there is no mistaking who and what youre dealing with, and if you do not know, then you are ignorant or too drunk, in which case you end up in a shitty situation

2019-07-20 19:38:37 UTC  

yes, but I will also make it so that he can't type there.

2019-07-20 19:38:55 UTC  


2019-07-20 19:39:04 UTC  

Religion is man made

2019-07-20 19:39:28 UTC  

@Leomentheus i accept the fact there is more to life than material realm we experience 😄

2019-07-20 19:40:14 UTC  

@ivo that’s true unless the entity reveals itself to the caster
Never fuck with magick because you’ll never know what you will be summoning

2019-07-20 19:40:16 UTC  

@Leomentheus as you could read, i was into satanic stuff, and moved on to budhist hindu type things,

2019-07-20 19:41:11 UTC  

@California Nightmare the moment you do not know is almost always when people are not sober, if sober, no drug in the system, then there is little to no veils,

2019-07-20 19:41:31 UTC  

<@602112131445293058> You cannot be a VIP. That is for VIPs only and you are not one of them.

2019-07-20 19:41:57 UTC  

please read and follow the <#484513575801454593>

2019-07-20 19:42:56 UTC  

<@602112131445293058> Do you want to be muted?

2019-07-20 19:43:09 UTC  

I think he wants to lol

2019-07-20 19:43:16 UTC  

a vip, VERY IMPORTANT PERSON, become that, not by asking but action

2019-07-20 19:43:40 UTC  

going in the ice box is a form of detention - it means being muted

2019-07-20 19:43:55 UTC  

it means participate, communicate and be seen as one

2019-07-20 19:44:25 UTC  

That is why I am never gonna be more than a new member here XD

2019-07-20 19:44:41 UTC  

and if you want to go to the ice box so badly to coordinate with your troll buddies, then I probably won't grant your request.

2019-07-20 19:45:16 UTC  

I didn’t say it was a vip place

2019-07-20 19:45:20 UTC  

now enough with the disruptive behavior

2019-07-20 19:45:28 UTC  

Just told you how to join the ice box lol

2019-07-20 19:45:58 UTC  

Stupid keyboard

2019-07-20 19:46:07 UTC  

Look up in the chat lol

2019-07-20 19:46:42 UTC  


2019-07-20 19:46:56 UTC  

Evidence please

2019-07-20 19:48:39 UTC  

Let us see about that

2019-07-20 19:49:03 UTC  

**Question of the Day #141**

Are the Egyptian pyramids and other so-called "ancient" structures across The World actually just recent frauds constructed by Freemasons that are only one to a few centuries old?

Share your thoughts in the <#484514023698726912> .

2019-07-20 19:49:47 UTC  


2019-07-20 19:50:16 UTC  

Did you watch the video?