Message from @Tejiu The Gecko

Discord ID: 602226274399944725

2019-07-20 19:41:57 UTC  

please read and follow the <#484513575801454593>

2019-07-20 19:42:56 UTC  

<@602112131445293058> Do you want to be muted?

2019-07-20 19:43:09 UTC  

I think he wants to lol

2019-07-20 19:43:16 UTC  

a vip, VERY IMPORTANT PERSON, become that, not by asking but action

2019-07-20 19:43:40 UTC  

going in the ice box is a form of detention - it means being muted

2019-07-20 19:43:55 UTC  

it means participate, communicate and be seen as one

2019-07-20 19:44:25 UTC  

That is why I am never gonna be more than a new member here XD

2019-07-20 19:44:41 UTC  

and if you want to go to the ice box so badly to coordinate with your troll buddies, then I probably won't grant your request.

2019-07-20 19:45:16 UTC  

I didn’t say it was a vip place

2019-07-20 19:45:20 UTC  

now enough with the disruptive behavior

2019-07-20 19:45:28 UTC  

Just told you how to join the ice box lol

2019-07-20 19:45:58 UTC  

Stupid keyboard

2019-07-20 19:46:07 UTC  

Look up in the chat lol

2019-07-20 19:46:42 UTC  


2019-07-20 19:46:56 UTC  

Evidence please

2019-07-20 19:48:39 UTC  

Let us see about that

2019-07-20 19:49:03 UTC  

**Question of the Day #141**

Are the Egyptian pyramids and other so-called "ancient" structures across The World actually just recent frauds constructed by Freemasons that are only one to a few centuries old?

Share your thoughts in the <#484514023698726912> .

2019-07-20 19:49:47 UTC  


2019-07-20 19:50:16 UTC  

Did you watch the video?

2019-07-20 19:50:40 UTC  

Why not watch the video before you answer the question?

2019-07-20 19:52:12 UTC  

Not in the mood for a 30 minute video right now

2019-07-20 19:52:42 UTC  

Will do tomorrow it is late here
I should probably go to sleep soon actually XD

2019-07-20 19:52:49 UTC  

it is one that you have to pay very close attention to, pausing it every few seconds to read lots of text on the screen

2019-07-20 19:53:40 UTC  

Yeah not doing that right now

2019-07-20 19:54:33 UTC  

I have no attention span when tired

2019-07-20 19:54:50 UTC  

you really should work on that

2019-07-20 19:54:54 UTC  

So I am just gonna do a lot errors watching it

2019-07-20 19:54:59 UTC  

it is a sign of just how brainwashed you are

2019-07-20 19:55:04 UTC  

It is late here XD

2019-07-20 19:55:21 UTC  

sleep is very important

2019-07-20 19:55:25 UTC  

And been out sailing a boat all day

2019-07-20 19:55:26 UTC  

it is how the body heals itself

2019-07-20 19:55:29 UTC  

have a good rest

2019-07-20 19:56:02 UTC  

It just takes some time for me before I am tired enough to actually be able to sleep

2019-07-20 19:56:53 UTC  

I am right in the middle right now
Like really tired almost want to sleep

2019-07-20 19:57:22 UTC  

Also have nothing to do tomorrow so I can sleep for as much I want anyway

2019-07-20 19:58:19 UTC  

Only thing I have to do is feed my animals like I do everyday

2019-07-20 19:59:09 UTC  

I have a lot of reptiles and fish

2019-07-20 19:59:25 UTC  

And a cat plus a few chickens

2019-07-20 20:00:50 UTC  

<@602112131445293058> No. Stop asking. The Ice Box is for people who do wrong. It is not just a cool place for people to hang-out.

2019-07-20 20:02:27 UTC  

If you ask again maybe I will skip the muting and just ban you.