Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 602461371195719690
Where’s the debate channel?
for things like atheism vs theism
@Aly (male) <#538929818834698260>
btw <#547645432604393482> people called egyptians put blocks together to make a triangle called a pyramid
@Lampz hi
I think they put wooden planks in place then filled them with cement
They didn't pull stones
That would make sense
They got the water out of the nile
Egyptians today still use the nile
World's longest river
I wonder why it doesn't curve
Also it flows opposite to how the "coriolis effect" is supposed to fling water around a ball
Cause the earth is flat🤷🏾♂️
The Earth is MOSTLY FLAT
What do u mean mostly?
i think everyone knows what u and others mean when you or others say flat earth. just making it needlessly complicated by saying mostly flat
Sorry Flat Earth got bought out by Metatron, I don't work for hologram companies that project spaceships into the sky
do you guys know what the "Great Work" of freemasonry is
If I had to take a stab at it I would say it's a network of masons in key positions of power all across the Earth doing their part to ensure Masonic control of the world through secret influence.
no i have the actual answer
Rebuild Solomon's Temple?
the philosophers stone
do u know what that is?
That shit is an ancient legend of alchemy
It's a crystal that allows transmutation WITHOUT a circle
Something about the vibrational states of matter and the aether and the stone is a prism that can change matter's resonance
its not a real stone
it represents the combination of man and woman
So fucking basically
their beliefs are off of the belief that adam was half man half woman
and they want to make themselves the same way
because they want to be God
the original teachings are from fallen angels from Eden
the adrogynous adam is what they worship
the mona lisa is so famous because its actually a man dressed as a woman