Message from @RidleyChozo
Discord ID: 602683602123227156
its still a planet
ok so you're trying to say...planets are made of hecking gas or liquid and not solid?
they're lights
you saying earth isnt a planet
what else could it be made of :p
Mars has a shadow on it
Earth is a planar realm
It's not a planet. It's a plain.
Therefor it has to be somewhat solid
MARS is translucent
it's a luminary
earth is translucent and luminary?
I think I know what Nomad is trying to say
Earth isnt a planet
its a dinosaur
He's talking about earth, not mars @RidleyChozo But he does keep going between the two
You're picture is a gif im gonna post a picture of similar detail
Earth is a Flat plain.
Not a round planet
they are both planets and solid. i dont understand why you would think they aren't
so Earth is Minecraft
Earth is the Minecraft world
Mars is of unknown material or substance
no it isnt
Have you been there?
data brought back from rovers
How do you know it's from mars?
there's no way they could possibly fake data from rovers
You escorted it to and from?
Mars is the "Red Planet" for a very good reason: its surface is made of a thick layer of oxidized iron dust and rocks of the same color. Maybe another name for Mars could be "Rusty." But the ruddy surface does not tell the whole story of the composition of this world.
because they send it there what else would you think
How do you know it went to mars?
*"Because NASA told me and I believe them"*
How do you know it went to mars?
Ok google refuse s to let me copy the picture