Message from @Seeker of Truth
Discord ID: 602954603536842803
You just seem like a chill dude tho
Don’t know why either
The welcomes seems to be a bit random but whatever
I used to welcome everyone
@Tejiu The Gecko welcome
I have been here for a while but thanks I guess XD
Yw =)
@Tejiu The Gecko thx for boosting
Does that mean there will be a custom wallpaper image ?
where it says The Ice Wall top left corner
Yeah I'm surprised with how little people boost this server
You mean custom banner i think...
That takes 10
Think this place can need some more stuff
Like extra emotes
Yeah would be cool
We can never have enough of them right? xD
as a reaction
I just need to boost this place one more time and it should be level 1
you can only do 1 unfortunately
You can boost every week right?
Wasn’t it something like that
No its one per account per server and only 1 server at a time
So someone else would need to boost
Maybe ill get nitro soon
Oh okay
Nitro isn’t that expensive and you get good things from it
A lot of games
nice video @Bibleman
It is @Jose Meza video
pee pee
poo poo
interesting spherical planets in that documentary