Message from @DragθηFruit
Discord ID: 603795350196584489
Why am i yellow
@DragθηFruit redo your roles
So how do i become religious
I wouldn't recommend that
Are u not?
I just want something that will cause healing
take care of your mind and the body will follow suit
be careful what you put into your mind and your body
I feel like the linkin park guy
so eat fruits, dont watch porn or violence, no drugs?
I have the flu tho
Without meds id die
fruits, nuts and certain vegetables
I try to avoid it
Are u vegan?
I would not say that.
Ill try it, i need to try something i feel like im dying
sleep is very important
it is how the body heals itself
water also
lots of clean water
Sunlight helps healing speed
Im always worried always nervous
That's why people with cuts on submarines take longer to heal
God made us a big light that helps heal you
high blood pressure and anxiety is a vicious cycle which play off of each other
and a big lesser light to rot you
That's because we aren't a night species
We were meant to be in the light
Yeah i never had any issues when i lived on the beach
Cities are rotten and kill you
I feel im in a cage and idk how to get back to living a simple life at a quiet place